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Orange Peels

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About Orange Peels

  • Birthday 18/03/1995

Orange Peels's Achievements

  1. I don't think Lovren and Forren will play together, will be either one of them + Yoshida imo.
  2. He seems it! Has there ever been anyone who disliked him?
  3. From what I've seen, Chalet is a very nice man
  4. Bearsy... You're a price pikey.
  5. A damn, I'm on -1?
  6. Oh I know all of this. I've been lurking for longer than you can imagine.
  7. We wanted to, but his agent wanted too much.
  8. People like to check scores and stuff like that. Don't they have wifi at White Hart Lane? I vaguely remember it from when I was there
  9. Quite frankly, I just want to stay up again.
  10. As a long time lurker, this is my favourite thread.
  11. What smiley?
  12. Not a fox hater but he's foocking awful.
  13. Guly and SDR CDAJFU
  14. I'd be very surprised to see us play without wingers...
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