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Spaceman Spiff

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  1. Yes, injury is the reason why he isn't currently appearing on the Sims thread.
  2. Why not link it?
  3. Koeman: "doesn't look like anything to me" Proof he's a host?
  4. Wouldn't you be happier supporting someone else? Or maybe getting interested in a different sport?
  5. I'm not one of his aliases
  7. I agree with this statement in the strongest possible way.
  8. Apple didn't develop the smartphone. I had a Windows smartphone 4 years before the iphone, and there were plenty prior to that. Apple did make the first one that was pleasant to use though.
  9. Shootout followed by high speed chase through Maputo reported this afternoon. The suspect, thought to be Dia, has not been apprehended yet though.
  10. breaking news from Maputo police. Body in Dia's car wasn't Dia's! There's now an arrest warrant out for him.
  11. Maputo police apparently saying the second car in the canyon was empty. They've issued a warrant for the owner, but not yet found.
  12. Not many interwebs news sites in Mozambique. It's on Radio Maputo.
  13. I was just driving that stretch of road last month. Very dangerous, sharp bends, big drops off the side of the cliff. Must have been a mess. Shocked.
  14. Anything else from September that suddenly angers you?
  15. Agreed, can't see why the fuss.
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