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  1. Hi there. I posted previously on another thread regarding Spurs and Palace. I now only need a Palace ticket. Could anyone help me out with one or two tickets. It would be a great help. Thanks James22hd@gmail.com
  2. Looking for an Adult or Under-18 ticket? One or two would be great. Not fussed if only one is available. It would be great if anyone would help me out thanks. James22hd@gmail.com
  3. Where are people planning on sitting? Upper or Lower?
  4. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/tickets-crystal-palace-vs-saints-1362226.aspx
  5. Wait you want an offer for the tickets? What is it? *confused*
  6. Personally I would like to see either Carlos Vela or Adrian Ramos come in.
  7. If anyone has one or two season ticket numbers spare. It would be great if anyone could help me out. Please e-mail me james22hd@gmail.com Thanks
  8. Hi there! By any chance has anyone got a spare season ticket number or two available, that I could use. If any has one or two it would be great. Thanks James
  9. Or are they available in the Stadium Store?
  10. No they don't. They only have Small and 3XL
  11. By any chance is the shirt still available?
  12. Has anyone by chance got this years away top for sale? Would be great thanks
  13. I'll take it off your hands If its still available. Could you e-mail me james22hd@gmail.com
  14. As I said before I'm happy to use the number online as well. My email is james22hd@gmail.com
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