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Everything posted by irene

  1. If you actually read the posts i reported they all contain "insulting word or words" it is not regarding my opinion being disagreed with. Obviosuly you felt the need to post this on the forum. As a supposed administrator of this forum i would have expected better. All i have done is provide an insight into the other side of things. One that is not very welcome I will take any information i know elsewhere. Do i get a refund of my five pounds though? Imagine no.
  2. I've said plenty and been shot down in flames and insulted so that is that
  3. Only so much I can say. I get you don't want to hear it
  4. That is not something I can say currently. Things have to be worked out
  5. Why would I pay some stranger money. Your choice to place a bet You can believe me or not. I'm not bothered. If I'm telling it like it is you will know come window shutting
  6. Anything can happen in next two weeks. 1 out the 2 may well be
  7. 1st Sept will be judgement day for first half of season. Morgan is decent guy who has had promises to him broken. Do I think going on strike for a week is a good idea? No. But we all deal with situations how we choose
  8. Time will tell with Morgan as well
  9. End of day all you want is him sitting on saints bench as that is what suits southampton. Fair enough as it is your club What happens happens. You have a new gaffer, he wanted a new first choice keeper as is his right
  10. Agents are paid to do a job. How they conduct themselves is up to them.
  11. Believe that is his agents job to achieve what is best for his client
  12. Sorry that was someone else. Your all blending into one. And as stated above in 2012 the situation suited both player and club
  13. What has that to do with how you find modern footballers sickening? Your chairman at the time wanted a good keeper and he wanted a epl club. Was a situation that suited both parties
  14. His a professional who wants to play. You will not see unprofessional behaviour.
  15. Maybe you should find another sport to follow then that you find less sickening
  16. Don't worry about it. Can guarantee he will not be sitting on your bench come 1st september
  17. Of course behaviour at times is wrong. But it won't change sadly as like everyone they have a me mentality Of course there is resentment but as you say being careful not to tar all footballers with same brush is an idea
  18. Problem is agents talk them up and convince them they are better and deserve more and they believe their own hype
  19. Exactly which is wrong. Lovren was one of worst cases
  20. Only thing is certain footballers get out them quite easily
  21. Came up plenty in ref to contracts and how they get paid enough to shut up and do as told
  22. And you have just reinforced that footballers are exempt from reality because they live In a cocoon. 99.9 % know how peivledged they are as they come from normal unprivledged backgrounds I'm simply saying millions don't make life ok like most of you seem to think they should be treated however because they earn so much money. I'm not for one second suggesting someone working a 12 hour day on basic wage can compare to what a footballer does or earns
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