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  1. Liverpool can only shop at saints and saints can only shop at Celtic. What is deal with that
  2. Koeman for Holland job. See him taking that and leading them to success next summer. Guess Hiddink is available for soton vacancy in that case
  3. irene

    New Keeper

    You don't need a keeper. Davis is fine till Forster gets back
  4. 100% correct
  5. You can't fight for something there isn't and why should you accept second place when you know your good enough not to be. Anyway old argument that really doesn't matter Saints are suffering for lack of goalkeeping decency and Bournemouth flourished
  6. Sorry I thought that was what you meant by 7th
  7. Newsflash season isn't done yet goatboy
  8. 100% Koeman's handling of goalkeeping situation really has come back to haunt club
  9. I've seen Forster play behind a crap back four and he hasn't been too impressive. Saints defense this season is why Forster looks good. I would not say he is a downgrade on Boruc but i've also never seen a display from him again like that night for celts against Barca. If he had been anything but English there wouldn't have been such hype about him, he's dave watsons pet project who wanted him out of celts for a while into the epl
  10. And had made clear to him had no future at club
  11. No recall so pointless thread
  12. Anyone who thinks Forster would be dropped for kelvin is insane. Koeman is not suicidal even if he does like to show them who is boss
  13. Then he'd be a total moron. Don't believe for one second fraser would have been dropped.
  14. Sadly it seems a few only know how to abuse. They have not the emotional or intellectual ability to do anything else
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