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Everything posted by jimmyl

  1. How did I miss this post? Thank you for helping us with the flag. At the moment there are 8 bidders for CCFC Ltd where the administrator says the Golden Share lies. One of those bidders is SISU, but you'd hope that they wouldn't pass the fit and proper test (time for that test to prove its worth). In the meantime the clown that they employ as our CEO is spouting this kind of trash: http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/coventry-city-bosses-take-jimmy-4019429 If it is decided that SISU will remain our owners I'd imagine the idea of an AFC Coventry would come to fruition.
  2. We can only pray this a long awaited positive breakthrough!
  3. Update for all those who have helped: Tonight we have received the following email from The Sky Blue Trust - the largest independent Coventry City Supporters organisation: Dear Trust Member In the last few days the Sky Blue Trust board has been shown clear proof that the “Golden Share” lies with CCFC Ltd and therefore the club should be being run by the Administrator Paul Appleton and not Tim Fisher and CCFC (Holdings) Ltd. The Trust board has been alarmed and disappointed that Tim Fisher has complete disregard for the views and wishes of Sky Blue supporters and is still pushing ahead with plans for moving the club away from Coventry for a minimum of 3 years and building a new stadium. These plans can only become reality if SISU regain control of the club. We believe these plans are flawed and would ultimately drive the club back into administration and possibly kill it altogether. - For at least 3 seasons we would be playing “home” matches away from Coventry, in front of greatly reduced crowds and therefore revenue. Under FFP rules this could result in our playing budget being amongst the lowest in the division and could very easily lead to further relegation. - Playing home matches away from home would alienate huge numbers of supporters who may simply never come back even if the club survived long enough to come back to the Coventry area. - Such a plan would saddle the club with additional millions in unnecessary debt for years to come. - Coventry play in Coventry not Walsall or Birmingham or in the Coventry area (Whatever that means!) The plan is unnecessary, ill-judged, financially reckless and openly opposed by thousands of Coventry supporters. It could be the end of Coventry City. The Trust board will be working with every means at its disposal including peaceful demonstration and other means of legal protest to ensure that the Administrator and the Football League do not return the “Golden Share” to any SISU controlled company, thus avoiding the nightmare scenario outlined above. We understand there are several alternative bidders available to receive the share and we will be urging that these bids are given precedence over SISU’s flawed plan. Before we embark on this course of action we would like to know if you support us in it or not. Simply reply to this email and if you support the stance put YES in the subject line, if you don’t support it put NO in the subject line. Speed is critical so we would like all replies in by midnight on Saturday May 25th We shall put plans into action based upon the results of the member’s wishes. PUSB Sky Blue Trust Board Also, a tweet around an hour ago from a local reporter: Les Reid: BREAKING: #CCFC administrator just declared @football_league golden share is with #CCFC Ltd. EIGHT bidders. More to come Kind regards, Jim
  4. Haha you've found our forum then. Thanks guys. This is really helping up the numbers. Today, after supposedly consulting the fans, 'the club' have confirmed we will not be playing at the Ricoh next season and they are already putting in place plans to build a new one which should be ready in 3 years time. We will groundshare in the meantime apparently. You couldn't make it up. Well, they did.
  5. Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Another City fan reminded me that you carried our SISU Out banner in the away end during our FA Cup clash and brought one onto the pitch during your celebratory promotion pitch invasion. I'm overwhelmed by your generosity, you're a credit to your club.
  6. Hi guys, Lately, there's been an affinity between our sets of fans due to CCFC's diabolical owners once trying to 'rescue' your club. As some / many of you will know, CCFC is currently being held to ransom by Mayfair-based investment company SISU. A company that no longer has any interest in the football club it owns (if it ever did), only in seizing control of the stadium it plays in. To keep this as short as possible: They have tried to do this by not paying rent since April 2012, in an effort to destabilise the Council-owned company that runs the stadium Arena Coventry Limited (ACL) and get the Ricoh Arena on the cheap. The Council stepped in and bailed out ACL in January with a multimillion pound loan. A legal dispute followed over non-payment of rent. SISU have also had the nerve to take the Council to the High Court over their bailout of ACL under the umbrella of 'Judicial Review'! What has happened at our club is nothing short of a disgrace and should never again be allowed to happen at any club in this country. It is the perfect example of why fan involvement at board level (the likes of which you see more of abroad) should be encouraged rather than letting a bunch of self-interest faceless investors mismanage their way into the mess we are now witnessing. We, the fans, are more or less powerless to do anything about the situation and have been forced to watch our club being dragged through the dirt. We've been treated as nothing more than pawns in a game of brinksmanship between SISU and the Council. The latest in this long running saga is that SISU are threatening to take the club out of the City, claiming they have been 'locked out' of the Ricoh Arena, something vehemently denied by ACL. Our local paper, the Coventry Telegraph, have started a petition to put pressure on those responsible to sort out this mess and ensure the club stays in the City. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/sport/football/football-news/keep-coventry-city-in-coventry-3414872 It would be greatly appreciated by us City fans if you Saints would take the a second to sign the petition - name and email only. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/keep-city-in-coventry/ I'd like to think that had it worked out the other way round we'd have done the same. Good luck next season and congratulations on securing your place in the Premiership. Jim
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