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Everything posted by Wrensup

  1. Isn't he just proving there is potential for several players to come up from the youth, And he's just naming the most resent and significantly talented players?
  2. His name always seems to crop up doesn't it, didn't realise he had been doing that well back in France. No spring chicken though now, just turned 30.
  3. Wrensup


    Ha! Loser.... Suppose you won't bother posting for a while again then eh haha :lol:
  4. This is what I'm listening too [video=youtube_share;ExfrBvZaEsM]
  5. Arh right nice one thanks!
  6. The 3rd one gets me, Ecuador and chilli? The chilli fella actually pulls his arm up to his face!!!
  7. Apparently the cops where threatening the granny that makes the cheese with an arrest if she didn't stop making the cheese!
  8. schadenfreude-ish feelings anyone?
  9. I'm happy for them, nice club!
  10. I hear that Robert, robin? Or something fella is pretty good, Won the champions league mega trophy or something
  11. This. Just shove it in a jar of rice, even put it in the airing cupboard if you want.
  12. I'd say yes to him, but Chelsea would definitely what to use him as leverage for shaw. Plus if we're trying to push on then I can't see an 18 year old being brought in and it significantly improving the squad enough.
  13. How do you get the youtube videos work? I tried the enable codes but it does displayed the code as text :S
  14. Anyone ever take a look on that http://www.southamptonrumours.co.uk/ site Of course I don't take it seriously but its funny seeing just how even more deluded they are on there compared to here!
  15. His Dad is annoying.
  16. 100% FA is an easy decision, big whoop we qualified 4th so have Newcastle, Everton, Leeds and spurs, None of them have 'cemented' themselves. So yeah FA cup win followed by Europa cup win then! The champions league easy haha
  17. No, too old about to be 33! and has been out the game for a year pretty much. Training with the under-21s doesn't really cut it for me. Definatly better, younger, cheaper players out there.
  18. In a good way or a bad way?
  19. For a home top, the 125 years red sash shirt I'd say is my favourite. Looks just clean and fresh, and think no one else plays in the league with a sash design, maybe even conference levels? As for away I'd not fussed as long as its was the yellow and blue.
  20. Cole will be way to old and Baines will be pushing on too I reckon, oh and isn't Coleman right sided? I actually forgot about Danny rose, I suppose with him its whether he can push on at spurs or gets farmed out again.
  21. Perhaps even 2018, at the ripe age of 22/23 ish.
  22. This can only benefit us I see it, might prevent any potential for burn out... Plus! Will save him for the World Cup eh!
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