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Everything posted by Wrensup

  1. Just saying, know it should be expected... But Ive been listening to talksport on off all day, and they haven't mentioned Lovren at all! :rollseyes: Just the usual top 5 ish clubs plus good old West Sam Oh well... Haha
  2. What's guy....
  3. You reckon? Tired fixing it a little,
  4. How'd you get spuds from that? :s haha
  5. Edit, cos its probably dodgy.
  6. Oh I do apologise monk.... That was totally necessary wasn't it.
  7. Hear******** sorry! Well, today I spoke to my uncle I don't see very often at a family gathering. He said to me that he's heard a rumour that the reason gaston doesn't play a full game is because he has an underling heart condision that wasn't picked up in his medical and was discovered later on. Now I know that there isn't a whole lot of substance to that, but my uncle was director of finance at manchester united and general bigwig so he may know someone who knows someone, if you know what I mean haha Just passing what I heard on, make of it what you will ahah
  8. Belhanda I like, been linked to Aston villa for 12million so how about sell gaston and swipe belhanda. While we're at it get baranda too so we can a midfield of belhanda passing to baranda back to belhanda, and annoys most comemtery teams! HH
  9. Another one on the left back conveyor belt hopefully!
  10. Anyway.... Back on topic as this is clearly a bit of fun. 1 valued at £15m+ : Jackson Martinez I reckon is class and will be the next one leaving Porto 1 valued between £10m-15m: I'd say Nainggolan 2 valued between £5m-10m: Buckley and Astori Free transfer: another goalkeeper? If a decent one is on a free transfer. But that said we'd still need to get some full backs in too!
  11. Arh yes I see now thanks haha, I forgot that it's athleticism is the most important aspect to a football player
  12. In the carrol over lambert camp I presume?
  13. But he's the best we got... Our talent pool isnt as good as good as theirs , so our equivalent player I would say is lambert?
  14. I posted this on the England vs brazil thread but thought its more appropriate here. 'I see Fred as a Brazilian lambert, obviously way better though. Essentially what I'm getting at is Fred isnt the most mobile, has a good touch, finish and vision all traits we tend to agree lambert has. Also he's only a year and a bit younger than rickie. So if phil scolari thinks that sort of player is effective at 'international' level then why doesn't woy think similar?' Just a thought, and before anyone may have a go... Yes I know Fred is a class above ha!
  15. Cork has performed for half a season and 2 goal 1 game supermega man city star gets picked... Hmmmm what's the point of it allllll!
  16. exactly.
  17. 0 Harmless blind hope I think. Nothing wrong with thinking maybe tonight England will be able to pass the ball and look competent.
  18. It's like watching brazil...
  19. Go wayne! Whoop
  20. So for the next 20 years we're suppose to expect crap passing is it?
  21. this I agree with, we may have scored but Christ we are terrible at passing (excluding the last 5 minutes)
  22. I see Fred as a Brazilian lambert, obviously way better though. Essentially what I'm getting at is Fred isnt the most mobile, has a good touch, finish and vision all traits we tend to agree lambert has. Also he's only a year and a bit younger than rickie. So if phil scolari thinks that sort of player is effective at 'international' level then why doesn't woy think similar? Just a thought haha
  23. I'm fortunate enough to work with a skate and a Cardiff fan! Haha I get to rip them both for having **** kits! I just can't understand now puma and Cardiff thought this looked good. Like isn't it obvious it's a terrible idea, especially in those two shades of red.
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