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Everything posted by once_bitterne

  1. 3rd choice keepers are never expected to start a PL match, I'm not sure why people find that hard to accept.
  2. Oh no, they're still doing it I believe, just in a smaller meeting room now rather than where the Gasworks is. https://www.southamptonfc.com/hospitality/saints-bar/saints-bar It's just the PL really. Other clubs are doing the same. At Arsenal it's £250 per game to watch the early game on tv in a bar and buy £7 pint and £15 chicken burger.
  3. Does this actually exist anymore? It seems to have been turned into an events area that can only be booked out as a whole and fans wanting this form of service now have to use 'The Saints Bar' which looks an even poorer (matchday) experience than the Gasworks.
  4. Doesn't look well. Think he has colitis (which pretty much ended Darren Fletcher's career) which must be almost impossible to play with if you're a professional athlete as the effects are so debilitating.
  5. Yes, any club could have signed him at any time. The old emergency loan rule that used to exist did not appear in the list of PL regulations for this season.
  6. @Matthew Le God Doesn't seem to like it when he's wrong. He edited his post rather than answer my question lol.
  7. What is this 'emergency loan' thing to which you refer? The PL rulebook for 2021/22 mentions no such thing.
  8. The club know they are signing a new keeper before the start of next season at the latest so it's fair to assume whatever AM is offered will be whatever is fair to pay a backup keeper.
  9. He's been banging on about the authorities needing to look into footballers collapsing as he thinks it's due to the vaccine and then posted that his thoughts were with the two people at the matches who collapsed yesterday which was immediately jumped up by his acolyte followers as being vaccine related so it's not difficult to work out what he's doing. He's like a pound shop Icke.
  10. Apparently games never used to be stopped for this sort of thing but are now. I see that the club's official loon Le Tissier is alluding to it being linked to the nasty vaccine.
  11. The quality of the Amazon prime stream has always seem to be reliant on where it is streamed through. When've used the app on Smart TVs it's always been bad but no issues through Apple TV box or Sky Q.
  12. https://theathletic.com/2958956/2021/11/17/i-had-this-stabbing-pain-i-thought-it-was-a-heart-attack-josh-sims-explains-why-he-hasnt-kicked-a-ball-since-may/
  13. The Maze Hill Mauler moves in mysterious ways, yes?
  14. Pompey v Harrogate in the Cup then. You going Dickie?
  15. It's all conjecture. No one apart from those involved know what was in the contract. I've heard the release clause is anywhere from £20m-40m. I would imagine it is heavily weighted in Chelsea's favour though. There's no way they would let a player of his obvious ability go for a mere £5m if they didn't have the ability to click their fingers and take him back.
  16. When do you think Chelsea will exercise their buy-back clause? This coming Summer or the one after?
  17. You've really bought into the club's 17th position = success mantra haven't you. It wasn't that long ago we were pushing for Europe but now one win from 8 is a decent start.....
  18. We've played 8 PL games and won 1 boys! Open top bus parade?
  19. Adams and Armstrong (The AA) will be terrorising defences in the Championship next season. It shows just how far we've fallen in the past few years from where our front 3 was Tadic, Mane and Pelle to where it is now with Armstrong, Adams and Redmond.
  20. Judging from recent year's accounts, yes.
  21. And there you have it. Semmens and his crew, with their sole long term objective of remaining on the PL gravy train have won the battle when even fans start talking about doing well 'commercially' rather than on the pitch.
  22. Do what? Not play him at LB. That's what KWP is being forced to do in the PL.
  23. Why would we not have any money to replace him? if we stay up the PL gravy train stops again. Next Summer's priority would be a new striker just as this one's was a LB (who we don't play - lols).
  24. No. It's relegation which will be be catastrophic for the club financially. Losing Ings makes this scenario far more likely.
  25. Plenty of players want to leave clubs but aren't allowed to. Ask Kane. I doubt it was Ings' lifelong dream to play for..... Aston Villa. If we had kept him I'm sure he would have knuckled down and played to the best of his ability, safe in the knowledge that he would be receiving a massive signing bonus as a free agent with his next club.
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