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Grey Crab

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Everything posted by Grey Crab

  1. Yet more predatory paedophiles, preying on vulnerable girls. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jul/22/how-racism-takes-root
  2. Is this the most upset anyone has ever been over £1.27?
  3. I found it and was disappointed to find it wasn't an interview with Matt Targett, but some old guy instead. Didn't bother reading it.
  4. You know Trojan Horse was a hoax, right?
  5. Stupidest thing ever written on the internet.
  6. They built an IKEA near my auntie's house. Totally changed the culture and outlook of the area. Bastards.
  7. I'm pretty sure that Junction 9 is a satellite dish installer. I remember seeing that he'd helped somebody out with theirs.
  8. He said the heart of the club, not the a*sehole.
  9. As long as you keep replying and feeling the need to tell me that you don't give a f**k what I think, I'll just assume that you give a f**k what I think.
  10. Nope. I'd say this thread only really makes you look foolish. I mean, you can pretend that it reflects on the person that resurrected it (I would probably do the same to protect my own ego) but, genuinely, everyone reading it is thinking about how silly you are.
  11. That's an odd comment. Do you expect to only be mentioned if you mention somebody? What an odd idea. You do realise that your ubiquity on this website means that your brand of stupidity is hard to avoid when reading threads, and thus people might make comment on it? Thicko.
  12. We will sign someone before the transfer deadline. Don't ask me how I know. (If we don't sign anyone it isn't because I didn't know (I do know), it will be because the deal fell through.)
  13. That is genuinely one of the best threads on this forum. I liked CB Fry's summary.
  14. I notice that you were so sickened by this that your first thought was to come on here and use it to attack 'lefties'. And your avatar tells us everything we need to know about you, you dirty old man.
  15. Paul Jewell, who watched the match for Sky, praising Shane Long at the moment.
  16. Richard Attenborough made films in the olden days and nature documentaries more recently. Look him up. His transformation to play Gandhi is one of the greatest in cinema history.
  17. I think a lot of people might think this due to the nature of the shows where it was just him and the animals on screen, but I know for a fact that he had a crew with him to help so he didn't make the documentaries on his own. If you think about it, he was quite old and went to some quite dangerous places so he wouldn't have been able to do them on his own anyway. But I think that he certainly did most of the work on them. A great, great man.
  18. Please be respectful. This is a thread just for comments about the great man. Personally, I think it's a little low to stoop to the level of starting a rival thread, but I'm not going to get into that on here. I watched Brighton Rock for the first time a few weeks ago. A tremendous performance, given the complexity of the character in Greene's book.
  19. I must admit I'm startled that nobody has started a thread on this already. RIP to a great man.
  20. Are you having a breakdown?
  21. FFS. This is so sh*t. (Just getting it in first)
  22. Grey Crab


    Awful stuff. When are we going to intervene? Seeing this kind of stuff is really upsetting. Israel should be given an ultimatum to stop.
  23. Nope. Airing football matches publicly is actually outlawed on the island thanks to a bylaw passed in the 1990s - so pubs are a no go, I'm afraid. As such people with Sky Sports hold open houses but charge guests (usually around a fiver) to watch the game. This is illegal too, but - oddly enough - fetish sex parties are not illegal on the island, so guests who want to watch a game are required to wear S&M clothes so as not to arouse the suspicions of the local constabulary. Since police have been trying to infiltrate these open houses, it is important to stay in character as an S&M practitioner when asking around. As such, it is normal practice to try one's luck for watching the football by dressing in full S&M regalia, knocking on doors and saying "I'm here to service your wife" - the islanders will know what you mean so will either invite you in to watch the football or just advise you politely of a neighbour who is showing the game. Good luck - I hope you get to watch the game! COYR!
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