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Everything posted by JN9

  1. Sorry my post wasn't overly clear.... Although I'd be interested to know what celebrating St Patrick's Day would speak volumes about... I don't celebrate St Patrick's Day and (as another poster asked) I'm not Irish. The point I was trying to make (perhaps badly) is that (at least in my world) St George's Day isn't a big deal and I can't say that it is mentioned to me by others as something they celebrate... I was just (genuinely) interested in others celebrations on St George's Day. I'm not against a national day as such, in fact I'd quite like a day where us Brits could celebrate being British, I just don't think such a day exists... My point about St Patrick's Day is that I am much more aware of it as a national day, and yes I know its an Irish day, all I'm saying is that I am always much more aware of it (admittedly because of Guiness promotions) than I am of St George's Day (which is pretty much non existant as far as I can see)
  2. How did you celebrate? With a couple of beers, that much is clear... But is it a day that you had been looking forward to? Did you have fellow revelers? Basically I'm interested to know if it is just as much part of the celebratory calendar as Christmas (assuming you celebrate Christmas). It passes me by every year with hardly a mentions... St Partick's on the other hand...
  3. Do people genuinely consider St George's Day our National day? I must admit that I didn't realise it was St Georges's Day until I saw the Google logo when I got into work yesterday... And I consider myself a patriot...
  4. Is this quite a regular thing? I'll be looking to play some weekend football again next year, and this looks right up my street... Sadly even if there was a open slot I couldn't make this one, but I'd be very interested in the future. I generally play right back or right wing and I'd describe myself as somewhere between poor and average (I'd fit right in by the sounds of things).
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