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Everything posted by JN9

  1. People get very nostalgic about the L1 and championship years, and while it was great fun, I can't help but think that that was only because Saints did very well in those leagues. I'm not so sure that your average League 1 team fan is hoping that their team does not get promoted as the football only gets more and more soulless the higher up the leagues you go. There is still competition in the game, and clubs can do well with good old fashioned hard work, clubs like Stoke, Swansea and Wigan have shown that. Sadly there does seem to be a bit of a glass ceiling and (unless there is massive investment) no club is going to break into that top 6-7 places in the premier league.
  2. Its a genuine questions..? I thought it was just a bit of light hearted banter... In fact everyone needs to chill out and learn how to take a good ribbing. What I had learnt from this thread is that nancy boys shouldn't get all shirty about a little banter. Oh yeah, and that we don't care if there are any gay footballers, and if there are we certainly don't want to hear about it. I think I've understood it right, but please everyone feel free to put me right.
  3. Sorry, I'm getting a little confused... So is anything offensive?
  4. I'm pretty sure there was one conducted by Sky Sports with the lad who now plays for LA Galaxy who stated the reasons why he quit football before coming out. He also added that he didn't feel like he could play football in this country as well as being an openly gay footballer. Now rightly or wrongly, this is how he felt. Surely you can't be against any movement that makes people like him more accepted and able to live life just as his hetrosexual colleagues do?
  5. Well said... You have basically echoed my views on the subject, sadly I'm not quite as well written as you are. Best of luck though, I fear you're fighting a losing battle with most. Pastor Patron for example...
  6. Surely the chanting 'Does Your Boyfriend Know You're Here?' chant is homophobic, even if only mildly... A player was being singled out because of his (presumed) homosexuality. This (to me anyway) is just as bad as people singling someone out because of their ethnic origin. I saw the interview with the american lad who has come out and he clearly thought that it would affect his career (especially in this country) if he came out. Some people seem to go along the lines that it doesn't matter if someone is gay, but equally they don't want to know about it? Why not? Imagine feeling like you had to hide the fact that you had a girlfriend/wife. It can't be easy, and the past tells us that they are issues with homosexuals coming out and if this campaign makes them feel more comfortable living as everyone else does then I'm all for it. Excuse me for my use of words, but the ignorance of some of the posts on here astound me.
  7. I used to park on Millbrook Road just past the train station. Had to get there about 8ish to get a space, this was 6-7 years ago though...
  8. Can't we all just get along!? Come on now, group hug...
  9. Me and my (soon to be) wife both have season tickets and go to the games together. It works for us, but I'll let you put me in the "Soppy t*ats who are ruled their birds" catagory if it pleases you
  10. JN9

    De Ridder

    Never lacking effort and clearly had affection for the club and fans. Best of luck to him I say...
  11. I've heard (from a source close to Drew) that he also gave his signing on fee to Saints as well when he left... Top bloke
  12. When I went to Newquay last new year we spent ages trying to find a parking space before the hostel owner told us that you can park on double yellows outside of the season... Seemed to work there, so why not other places?
  13. I've seen a few around but no more than I've seen people still wearing previous seasons shirts... I'm sure (I hope) that someone has taken note of this and we'll have a much better attempt next year...
  14. So, just no opinion on Villa either way then...
  15. JN9

    Saints Ladies Day

    I see no evidence to back this up... do you know something we don't?
  16. JN9

    Saints Ladies Day

    Number two wins... She at least had the foresight to wear appropriate footwear... Winds me up when my misses moans about having worn the wrong shoes... The others are going to have a nightmare if they get off the bench...
  17. How excited should we be? (I'll allow you to choose an appropriate scale)
  18. Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde The Band - The Last Waltz Bruce Springsteen - We Shall Overcome (The Seegar Sessions) The Libertines - Up The Bracket Kanye West - Graduation Thats just off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure it would be very different if I had all my albums in front of me...
  19. JN9


    I'm sure the majority will wish him well... Was a really good player for us for a time...
  20. I would imagine that his move to Lazio has very little to do with his mental issues...
  21. There is a decent night of boxing on Sky Sports on saturday night, if thats your kind of thing...
  22. I had a feeling that he had moved on... But yes, point still stands, Warnock is donkey poo, and while some may think Fox is also donkey poo, at least he is our donkey poo, that does his very best.... Surely no more can be asked of him personally..?
  23. And Warnock is certainly no fan favourite at Villa... I'd take Fox over Warnock any day of the week.
  24. I seem to be only one of a few that really don't think that is the kit that will be unveiled tomorrow.... I hope I'm right as well, its bloody awful. But like I said, I just can't see it...
  25. Its not all that difficult as long as you're will to make a few sacrifices. I wouldn't worry too much about going on a specific diet. You know what you should and shouldn't be eating, cut out the crap and exchange it with fruit and veg. Also exercise will help you lose weight much quicker than simply dieting. I do a few boxing/thai boxing classes a week and try to swing a kettlebell at least 5 times a week. I also do a parkrun (http://www.parkrun.org.uk) on a Saturday morning (5k run) which gives me something to work towards, helps to keep the interest up. I also hear that squash gives you a really good workout, but its not for me...
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