John Smith
548 -
Everything posted by John Smith
Premier league game, A business opportunity, risk versus reward, no brainier. Sunday league, Ref doesn't even consider it, linesman is from defending team, no money involved, no penalty. Answer is money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fwiw, wanyama is showing himself as 'unprofessional'. As a manager, vying to win the prem, do well in the champions league and perform consistently, you pick a professional as a main stay. Morgan showed that professionalism and got a great move. Playing alongside carrick and schweinsteiger, can only improve his game, even if they are poor as a team presently. Wanyama, could be brought in as a backup and to keep the likes of Wiltshire on their toes or as an injury replacement. But, these top clubs do not pay millions for sulky, unpredictable cry babies. Too many games, too much pressure to cater for unprofessionals. Wanyama and mane are showing to the big clubs, that they are bit part players. Fools Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One tip, if you choose to leave, then go. Don't walk to the railings and watch the game standing in front of others who have chosen to stay. Jump in an empty seat, or walk down the stairs, don't be a pain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have never seen a goal keeper stand there in open play, for so long, and the ref do nothing. I counted 33 seconds for one kick and that wasn't the worst. And I mean out of his hands not goal kick. At one point I thought their keeper was going to be allowed to stand there until the end of the game without having to kick it. The referee indicated that he would add on time at the end, which for a drop kick is not correct. Either way 5 minutes! 3 mins for six subs, then there was the sending off. Then the Carroll injury, the yoshida kick in the head jack or chan style, several other times the trainer was on , for both teams and then the goal kick time wasting and the drop kick time wasting, I was expecting double figures on the injury time. Now all that on top of a clearly chat with ferguson refereeing display and I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes the corrupt was which takes place in a multi billion pound business when those that get paid the least make the biggest decisions. Last night football was corrupt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would have an absolute fit if the players stopped playing after 80 mins, so why oh why did so many 'supporters' walk out on the team after the second goal. It was an absolute disgrace and an embarrassment! If you walked out after 80 mins, please don't come back! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stoke were direct and strong, some we're carrying a bit too many doughnuts. We played around them and through them, could've been more. Nuff said, job done Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I thought it would be the stoke fans that would only read the first few lines. But, I suppose laptop huggers exist on all forums! And if any stole fans are reading this, you'll notice I sent it from my iPhone as any idiot knows, you can't type on a laptop whilst on a horse as you still need both hands, one to stop the laptop falling off and the other to bash it out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Delap, hugging bottom, crouch, fuller. How many more ageing saints have they bought? And they have the audacity to call us high and mighty and above ourselves when they pick up the scraps we throw out! Stoke are a simple team who play simple football. Direct doesn't always mean long ball and hard doesn't always mean dirty. Stoke are direct, they are hard and they have desire. Our rejects rejuvenated their careers up their and done bloody well and I am proud of each one of them. Stoke do what Stoke do, they try hard, battle hard and play hard, there's no shame in that, it's why I love watching stoke play arsenal or Chelsea or the like. But, if their fans are so anti other teams forums calling out this obvious toughness, they are obviously arm chair supporters who must have laptops. Get a life stoke fans, your team are direct and tough to break down, end of Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ooohhhh his name is Grazianoooo 6 ft 4 and he comes from Italy Now he's playing at st Mary's Scores for fun in the premier league Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
Due to the management changes and player ins and outs, world cup etc, I've left this thread alone as my main interest here is Sains after all!! Anyway, I will come back and respond to some very good questions above, but, today I was sent this link and I thought it was worth sharing to add to the debate. I'm not saying I was a supporter of no plane hitting the twin towers (certainly back my statements on the Pentagon though), but, this analyzed 10-20secs of film is very interesting. Viewing is recommened, will only take a moment. But, I openly accept that it's as easier to fake the real one than fake the original shooting of the plane, so, my mind is open on this. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=807953379222467&set=vb.100000234385295&type=2&theater -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
I mean, this is quite droll that it takes this many posts and that many ridiculous comments for you guys to actually pull the wool from your eyes and read the question. So, without you guys trying to say this or say that, let me help you: WTC Building 7 was NEVER hit by a plane, FACT. WTC Building 7 was next to the twin towers and I would love to see the footage or hear from the 'thousands' of witnesses that eye witnessed this event. You have nothing, nudda, zero proof that a plane hit WTC Building 7. The fact that you two keep trying to make me out to be the one with a crazy theory, please explain or show this third plane hitting building 7 or whatever it is your claiming from 4 to 6? So, plain and simple thus far, your conspiracy theory that a plane hit WTC Building 7 and was witnessed by thousands of people has been backed up by NO evidence whatsoever. Personally, I would've thought that you would've taken a different line rather than a mysterious third plane, but hey ho, again I wait for your response with eager anticipation. One photo or image of any plane hitting WTC Building 7 will do, you know, the one next to the twin towers? Please, google maps will just prove you have nothing and the only ones needing phsychological help would be you two and your nut job conspiracies that not even the US Government a backing, please, WTC Building 7 hit by 3rd plane, what drugs you guys on! -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
Hey Gemmel, no problem, if you want to run with this with buctootim, no worries. So, for me, I can't understand how WTC Building 7 collapsed? Personally, I work in a very similar building to that which collapsed and I would be worried if a fire on one of the floors was enough to bring down the entire building, so please, use evidence and facts to show how this is possible and I'll check with the fire officers/wardens and ensure my building is safe. Secondly, with regard to WTC Building 7, why did it collapse, when it did, in the way that it did? Very strange? And, the main reason I would find this strange, is because of all the conspiracy theories put forward, they would have to match the method of collapse, you know, in that flat pack kind of way it did? Very curious? So, from your options of 1 - 6, I'm not sure you're off to a good start, as first, you'd need to prove a plane hit WTC Building 7? But, I wait for your response with eagerness. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
So Buctootim, I have given you ample time to collate your evidence and I am ready to receive. The length of time should hopefully produce a wealth of evidence supporting your conspiracy theory that a Boeing '757' hit the Pentagon. I cannot wait. Secondly, and this is why I tagged Gemmels post as well, we get to the plane theory around the WTC buildings. So, following on from your evidence around The Pentagon, please show me factual evidence which proves your conspiracy theory that a plane hit WTC Building 7. I mean, unless you have another conspiracy theory as to how a steel framed building can 'collapse' due to an office (not 1080 degree airliner fuel, as we know that this never went into the middle of WTC Building 7, which is where the fire was) and we know it was damaged by falling debris, but that would probably lead to a partial collapse... but hey, I'll leave it to the expert, over to you buctootim, evidence on your conspiracy theory please. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
You still seem to be struggling, and like most conspiracy theorists, cannot backup your ridiculous claims with 'evidence'. Come on, it's taken you 2 days to identify it as a 757 that never hit the pentagon. Please, with all those thousands of witnesses, multitudes of cctv and 60 tonnes of debris, please provide one shred of factual evidence that backs your outlandish theory that a boeing '757' hit the Pentagon. I'm guessing you won't be back soon, unless it's to through insults at people that don't believe you're ridiculous theories! try again 1 out of 10 for effort so far. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
OK, so won't take you long to find that evidence. Just think of all the time and effort the US are taking over the US Malaysian Missing airlines, well, you'd expect at least that amount of proof that the plane that hit the Pentagon was a Boeing 767. Post in here your analysis of the debris that confirms it was a 767. An engine maybe? Wings? Tail, as we know, from the US government, they wouldn't have been able to have entered the building, so should be on the lawn. Anyway, don't use my evidence, produce your own. Please stop posting googlemaps, I get it, your friends confirm my theory. You have already stated they cannot identify a Boeing 767 flying right above their heads in excess of 500mph. Please provide evidence or admit your consipracy theory is wrong. I mean, shouldn't be this hard, should it? -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
I agree, all week end and still no evidence whatsoever that a 'Boeing 767' hit the pentagon. Please try harder. You conspiracy theorists really need to put some effort in, you make pap work so hard, which makes us all think you are trolls, well we know CB Fry is I suppose (quote - WOW, so intellectual and full of explanations, I couldn't even reply with his post as it was too full of holes). I think you need to look up the word stupid in the dictionary bucttotim, looks like your lack of evidence leaves you looking rather stupid - googlemaps = stupid. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
Awesome, I love your sarchasm! I mean that is sarchasm right? Your friends didn't recognise it as a Boeing 767! So, no evidence then. Ans, I agreed with you on the busy part, not sure why that is important to recognise the numbers of people that didn't have a camera or camera phone with them that day. Also, are you seriously providing google maps as your only source of evidence to prove a Boeing 767 hit the Pentagon! Haha, now I've seen everything. You Conspiracy theorists are right nut jobs, google maps, lmao! So, when you produce this evidence that you are so sure about, please come back, I love your sarchasm, but, in all honesty, providing evidence to prove a 'Boeing 767' hit the pentagon is what we need, or, an eye witness statement used by your friends, oh yes, you confirmed they already cannot identify it as a Boeing 767. Correct. So, your own evidence, other than googlmaps (sorry, still lmao), confirms my statement rather than disagrees with it. Who could've identified it exactly as a Boeing 767 at that speed and altitude and also identify that it was that exact Boeing 767 that hit the pentagon. With 'evidence' you would have to. So far, all you've given is hearsay and (still lmao) google maps. And that's what you think will back up your conspiracy, quality, sorry, back again. So, your conspiracy theory, please provide evidence. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
I am genuinly pleased that I have been so heroically stupid! But, I am glad you have come forward buctootim. Even though I thought it was relatively quiet time of day when the 'plane' hit, I am sure there are thousands of eye witnesses and video evidence and smashed windows from the plane passing at a few hundred feet at 400 miles an hour. Even the scorch marks from the engines on the lawn would help. Even so, I am just amazed that your colleagues saw this plane, flying at inches above the ground at 400+miles per hour and were skilled enough, in that moment, in that time of terror and devastation, say to each other, "that was a boeing 767". Also, please provide reasons as to how in that moment, they remained so calm as to have the wherewithall to recognise it as a Boeing 767. They must be real enthusiasts. So, please provide a copy of the police report they would have a copy off as your evidence. Let's see how circumstantial it is? Did they take any photo's? They must show the debris for sure, a copy would be good. So, other than these eye witness accounts that you will post on here for me, what else? Engines? Seats? Luggage? Terrorist Passport? Please provide substantial 'evidence' not hearsay, to show that the boeing 767 hitting the Pentagon is a 'fact' and not just another one of these conspiracy theories? Clearly, as you have been to the Pentagon, you will have all this information ready and at hand unlike me. Really, cannot wait to see all this evidence that result in facts and p[ut my stupid little mind at rest. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
For me it's simple, a boeing 767 never hit the pentagon. It is the us government and other such groups that have said all those plane attacks were by the same people. So, if a boeing 767 never hit the pentagon, what did and who did it? We can't answer those questions because people can't even get passed the facts that the us government is lying. Secondly, not only the fact that wtc 7 was never hit by a plane, never had a steel melting fire burning, but office furniture, it collapsed all on its own in a very bizzare fashion. Especially when the owner of the building in an interview, tells them to pull it, and then it was pullef? Suspicious, strange or normal? Lastly, the fact that the american government got rid of all evidence illegally from the twin towers, which prevented any examination into why steel turned to dust, fact, the american government is at least culpable, if not negligent, in their avtions. Responsible for the attacks? We will never know ALL evidence of thst day was destroyed quickly, efficiently and illegally. -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
For me, the 'Official Story' is a wash. Whatever you think happened and whomever you think responsible and behind the funding of this expensive operation (who ever executed it), the official story and guidelines are so flawed it would take a marathon post to ask them all. So, to save these threads from always going on and the conspiracy theorists rolling out question after question without official evidence to back up the responses, please view this clip and answer all questions asked. Then, when you have formulated an answer to every question and can prove without a shadow of doubt that you are correct, then I will believe what the United States of America Government says. What gaws me most about this is ththe way the american congress stood by and watched the evidence of a crime scence be removed and never seen of again for testing. Whatever your thoughts on who did what, think of those that died that day, they were not given the most basic of rights in the investigation of the reasons they were maliciously killed. Whoever did this should have been traced by the best scientists and the best services (secret or otherwise) and explained to us all. Not a list of 19 names who many were not actually part of the hijacking but still alive. And as to who funded the training and so on, the government didn't think it was important to find out who paid for these terrorists!!!! ????????? Criminal investigations were criminal. So, watch if you want a debate or just think about the illegal nature in which these murdered people were treated before people start spouting think of the families who lost loved ones. They were not given justice and illegally swept away. Disgraceful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6pEZf8P_RE -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
That is awesome, cheers! Another question that this throws up, assuming that this Newton guy is dillusional (has anyone got any dirt on this Newton guy to help this process along, the quicker he's made to look like a child molester, the sooner we get cheaper flights!), why does the land speed record not exceed 500mph yet, I mean, is it just a case of bad tyres? Come on Michelin/Dunlop, get with the anti Newton programme and start ignoring the laws of physics. And don't talk to me about formula 1 cars. As for drag racing, what drag, there is no drag, it's just a conspiracy. Now, who's got the theory that replaces gravity, gotta be quick though, I think we're all going to drift off into space! What the heck is atmosphere? Does this also disprove atoms and molecules? All those years of believing Newton, look where it's got us!It's the same as when a man carrying a flag had to walk in front of cars or when we believed we'd die if cars went above 40mph, haha comical. Bring on the new age of Polarity! YAY! -
"No Planes Hit The Twin Towers" claims ex-CIA agent
John Smith replied to SO16_Saint's topic in The Lounge
Quality, I haven't read all this thread, apologies, but do you have a link for those rules, I would really enjoy the read. The reason I wanted to post here though is on a slightly different tangent to the normal conspiracy, did they didn't they, sort of questioning. Unfortunately, many people lost their lives, a real tragedy, and like war, where many casualties also occur, advancements in technology filter into the mainstream and make our lives better or easier in some way. What I'm trying to say is that there is a very clear message here. Let's assume that the CIA agent affidavit 'report' is fictitious and, as many have pointed out, the character of this former CIA agent is holy questionable, therefore, his report will be proved wrong. THIS IS GREAT NEWS FOR EVERYBODY!!!!! Basically, the long held views of gravity and Newtons theory and physics have all been proved wrong. If anything, what has come from this obvious terror attack is that we now know passenger planes DO NOT have to fly at 40,000 feet. This climbing to a specific altitude is unnecessary and the theory is wrong. I understand that the theory showed planes needed to fly at this height and speed has never been tested and that the clear eye witness accounts of 9/11 prove Newton was just wrong and plane safety experts HAVE TO rethink this now. Clearly, these Boeing Passenger Jets CAN fly at the same speeds at ground level that they do at the purported safe height of thousands of feet. Think of Ryan Air, on the back of this clear and documented 'experiment', they don't have to fuel the planes to fly in excess of 20,000 feet, which, breaking through gravity constraints to get to the 'easier' height, is no longer necessary, this is a massive fuel saving for you and me. Now, I'm not advocating flying at 500 feet over cities or resedential area's, but, over the sea, why not only 500 or a thousand feet? And if you're travelling to America or Australia, think of the massive savings. So, when this affidavit is rebutted and the evidence is provided that backs up what we all saw with our own eyes, expect planes to be flying a hell of a lot lower and be prepared to slash the prices of air travel, fantastic!!!!! -
Not sure there is any point posting on this forum any more. There are a couple of objective points, some posters rightly disappointed with recent results, but mainly, this board is the sole domain of the trolls. We are not clinical enough in front of goal. We are making mistakes at the back. Lovren back in would hopefully restore order at the back, trouble is we are not clinical enough. With Rickie not playing well at the moment, ie, not getting in those areas to make his presence felt and Osvaldo bottling the Premiership, there was only one option left for me, Jay Rod. May not be the answer, but, I bet he is disappointed at not being given that striker role with Osvaldo gone and Rickie in poor form. The position we are in and the options available, this would be the ideal time to find out if he can do it. Full respect to the young scot coming on up front, but, Jay Rod deserves his chance. Maybe with Gaston back, Lallana can go to the left and Jay Rod down the middle with Gaston in behind. Even a 4 3 2 1 might do it. Either way, he seems the forgotten striker at this club and had had a few goals of late. Pace strength and form, worth a go in my book. Anyway, back to the trolls...
Conederations Cup maybe?
R.I.P. Kevin, and condolences to his family and friends, a once true great leader of this club. I remember that pairing of Osman and Moore and would only really be concerned if Moore was out, without him, our defence was a bit of a shambles. But, with him in it, they had that rock they could rely on, gave them confidence. The ZDS final, not only did he score with a header, I was sitting directly behind the goal about 10 rows back and could see that his leap was as high as the cross bar. When you watch the replay, no-one gets near him! Lastly, one of my fondest memories of that final was the 35 yard run he made to plough into their time wasting keeper, can't remember the keepers name, but he was very young at that game. Thanks for the memories Kevin, you'll always be remembered fondly.