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Saint Claude Van Damme

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Everything posted by Saint Claude Van Damme

  1. Users should be able to vote to ban these sad little w*nkers. Polls should be had every so often that are made up of the top 5 ignored users. I know that the proper losers would make new logins but they’d stand out so easily that they’d get binned again in the next round. I know they may like the attention this would deliver but at least they would have to pay more for it. I’ve put the real helmets on ignore but they get quoted so much you can’t escape them. I’m a lurker really but had to sign up to cut down on their drivel.
  2. Gao - Wow my own real life premier league team right there on the tv in front of my very eyes Random Woman - If Mr Gao end up skint from this he get no more sucky sucky tug tug Katherina- Wow I have seriously screwed the fans and Gao over. At least only the fans have noticed. Ralph - Wow I couldn’t understand this sport any less. Does anyone know how I came to be here?
  3. As has already been asked by others (and not answered as far as I can tell) what pubs will everyone be in before the game? Not been to Fulham and want to know where to head for pre game drinks.
  4. I’m going and as mrfahaji said I’m also taking my missus to her first game. Should be a nice atmosphere to introduce her to match days...
  5. I remember watching Saints play Palace back in 96 or 97 in what must have been Neil Shipperleys first game back at the Dell after we sold him. He came over to all the kids just before kick off in full kit and happily signed all our programmes. Also remember being handed out end of season trophies and awards for various youth teams either at local social clubs or the training ground by various saints of the time. Le Tiss, Monkou & Maddison spring to mind. Matt even came to my school one day and just about every kid there queued up for an autograph. I don't know if players still do this but it was great back then.
  6. 8th placed finish Semi final in one of the cups Austin & Gabbi to score plenty Will play better football to achieve our position with more goals/wins/points
  7. As soon as he hesitated on the run up I knew that would be saved. Thought Ward Prowse would've taken that!
  8. As a late arrival to Stephen King I have now almost read everything he's written and there are some great books as well as some bad ones in my opinion. Good reads would be The Stand, Misery, 11.22.63, Salems Lot and the Bill Hodges detective series. All worth checking out.
  9. Just seen Bertrand is in Garth Crooks team of the week. Wouldn't be the first player from the team today that I'd pick but we know he's clueless with his choices. What takes the **** is his comment that Klopp should pay whatever it takes to get him to Anfield. This sort of thing is disrespectful and makes him look even more of a tool. I know players are easily taken from us but the media are so in to the big clubs it's sickening.
  10. Except the 3 Irish ones
  11. To be fair I wouldn't invite him out to celabrate something either as he sounds like he'd drag the mood down. He goes on in that interview but says he got sorted for the cup in 03 so what's the problem. That strike in to the top corner though.....
  12. Absolutely buzzing! What a result and what a way to end that game. Saints have earned this with sheer determination and will. While setting a record in the process!
  13. I don't post much and only really come on here to read so I have blocked all the boring attention seeking trolls. If everyone blocked them I assume they would just shrivel up and disappear. The only time I ever see their repetitive drivel is when I've not logged in or they are quoted by others.
  14. Great noise from our fans as usual! Whether we are home or away we do seem to be full volume on the tv and radio. Also I love hearing Dave Merrington on Solent as he's a true saint! Great goal from Boufal and therefore a great result. Hope we can progress further
  15. If he did end up staying for a third year without any extension which it seems isn't going to happen. Surely he wouldn't bring any of his personal player targets here anyway. He would just wait and go for them at his next club. I know saints will have their own players in mind but unless he extends I think he's done anyway. Hopefully it's all sorted soon so we can carry on like we have been.
  16. Yeah good to hear Hughes say that. Not often you get that from an opposition manager or player. Normally just say 'I haven't seen the replay yet'. Appeal should be ok you'd think.
  17. Watching motd and it's confirmed for me we were on the end of two bad decisions. Good to hear the presenters strongly agreeing with that. If it had cost us I would feel robbed but fortunately we still got the points. Good win and let's hope we continue with points next week.
  18. Twice Redknapp has called Forster 'foster' even after Jake has said his name! It's embarrassing he's picked for any game as a pundit let alone this one!
  19. Yeah I know wanyama has been a crucial player but his attitude has been really disappointing this season. I know we can't turf out every player that doesn't show us complete loyalty but as a fan it p****s me off. I know you don't want a team full of their quality but at least they won't disrupt the squad in the way some have if they don't get what they want.
  20. Long may not of scored as many as pelle in the prem before but he was part of a worse team back then. I still think he would of done at least an equal job. I am a fan of both players though. We've done a lot worse in the past anyway! Despite actual player quality I'd rather have players like long pelle and Davis than ungrateful mugs like wanyama who considering his awards at the end of last year has really let us down.
  21. I think if long and pelle's game time was switched their goal outcome would be reversed. Long earns himself the odd start but if he doesn't get a goal he's back on the bench. He would surely end up with a good tally if he was our main striker. Not saying he's world class but he is good enough for saints. Great result though and completely unexpected for most fans! Picked the wrong fantasy line up for sure!
  22. Merry Christmas Christians and let Jesus turn all your drinks in to wine (white please)
  23. Very pleased tonight saints showing what there about again. Listening to the c*** that is Jose on sky! Unbelievable what rubbish is coming out his mouth. Mentioning the penalty he believes they should of had. I despise him so bad! No mention of what decisions they had go for them. Ignorant t*** Rant
  24. As much as I like Steven Davis he is so bad at shooting it's beyond belief
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