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Everything posted by Mallagroth

  1. Source for this one? (not accusatory just interested) Edit: Dig Dig ^. Thanks.
  2. Fair enough it used to be more common. Still it seems something that would be more than a little tin pot with the frequency and reasoning by which it is undertaken in a modern footballing context. I'm in favour of pitch invasions but there's a time and a place. Same goes for a lot of things.
  3. Pitch invasion for a game where we aren't celebrating promotion or major accomplishment on last day is hollow and strikes me as a little bit thick, desperate and embarrassing. I'm guessing the only people who would want a pitch invasion this season would be the people who haven't been with us for the last few years and just don't really get football when it isn't spoon fed them by sky, or are 14 years old or less. I reckon two in a row is enough for a while and one this year will only spoil memories of what those two meant.
  4. *Remy arrested on rape charge* For those who can't be bothered to click the link
  5. So anyone else wondering why Sky hasn't yet reported on this story?
  6. are you sure this isn't a reputation exercise? It may not have worked on you but it certainly has on most others...
  7. True this is a very good list of his shortcomings, and is very relevant to the idea being thrown around that the Liebherrs want to reign him somewhat. But still can't see how he hasn't had more influence on Saints current state than Adkins and definitely more than Pardew when he employed them both to contribute to our success in greater and lesser amounts.
  8. * This. +1 to another man who has also done some research.
  9. Wow, I really struggle with this, I get the debate over Markus or Cortese as they came together hand in hand and it's near semantics to argue who was the more interested party. But to suggest that Adkins or Pardew had more impact on our current success than the Don is pretty hard to chew as he gave them their jobs after interview. He has to take responsibility for when a manager is **** so it is only fair that he gets the credit when they turn out to be great. And fair play he does it when most of us are still in the early stages of denial about the situation.
  10. """"Bet Adkins is smiling now. """" sadly I doubt it, not with the wet 5hits he has just inherited. He is going to be a busy boy building a whole new bus this pre-season.
  11. Agreed. For further example look to Leicester last year. At the start of the season they spent a fortune, as predicted by many and same as QPR, they ****ed it. Chelsea does not win the title every year either as comparison. we shouldn't write off what Cortese has had the mind to do. We may not agree with all of it but we are reaping the reward and promise nevetheless.
  12. Jeremain Lens /Wellington Nem Dzagoev Astori
  13. The fear comes from the only other chairman of note in our recent history, and the dubious activity and commitment of the chairman at a number of other clubs.
  14. lol, okay hands up, you win, I see your point.
  15. Dude you have an opinion, be proud of it, whether the majority agree or not. Ignore the messages, people who send messages of abuse usually don't have the capacity to think for themselves and formulate their own opinion, their own insecurity of this forces them to take what they percieve to be the most popular viewpoint and enforce it with over the top reactions so they aren't questioned to explore their views openly and reveal their ignorance. Kinda like kids at school who are taking the **** as a group and one guy tries to prove he's in with the cool kids and takes it too far. Besides the point of a forum is debate and sharing opinion... even if you're obviously wrong this time
  16. Hey man it's just a hypothesis cool down. I'm just exploring it. The point of PR is to change public perceptions through manipulation of image, news, services and public statements. It's not about immediate reaction, it's about the end goal. When companies change logo's they don't do it to **** off the people who like the current one as their aim. There is a campaign of set time to achieve goal. Temporary endeavours such as controversial ad campaigns are even easier as they do no lasting harm and quickly get hidden once a new campaign comes out. However people will always remember and bring it up. Just like next time Cortese does something dubious we will all be slightly more worried about shouting him down in case talk of him leaving resurfaces. I think if players are going to be joining because of Cortese's influence on them, then what other people think of him is going to be very important to these signing players that are taking his word.
  17. The tactic would be to unite and create positivity after the 'event'. At the moment people are talking and are indeed talking of achievements and ambition and Saints potential. The talk of issues with funding and even the idea that the quote means Cortese wants to leave has not come from Cortese or the original journalist source. That is speculation. The other fact we do know is that all debating comes to an end before June and before the transfer window opens. This is from Cortese own mouth again. So this could be designed to be a two week little stunt which wouldn't have any serious lasting repercussions. again from a long term damage point of view, it will mean nothing if Cortese turns round in two weeks and says the equivalent of dont' worry it's all sorted and in an even better way if he turns round and says dont worry its all fine and while you were all panicking I went and signed two players, am i your hero or what.
  18. The talk of instability at the club and issues with funding has not come from Cortese or the original source. That is speculation. The other fact we do know is that all debating comes to an end before June and the transfer window opens. This is from Cortese mouth again. We are talking about it, whether it's fear and speculation or not. And from a long term damage point of view, it will mean nothing if Cortese turns round in two weeks and says the equivalent of dont' worry it's all sorted and in an even better way if he turns round and says dont worry its all fine and while you were all panicking I went and signed two players, am i your hero or what.
  19. Has anyone else considered this may just be a PR stunt for Cortese to repair his public image with the fanbase. All the signs point to a specific reporter being given an exclusive quote by the man himself (unusual unless intended. Why would he want people talking about something so personal to him when normally he can't stand to make even the slightest press remark on bull ?) The actual wording of the quote can be interpreted as something serious or not very much at all. The one thing it guarantees is that all the saints fans who support him come out of the woodwork highlight his achievements, outweigh his shortcomings and forgive to a large extent the manner of what he did earlier in the year for fear of losing him. PR company tactic= you don't know what you've got 'til its gone. Why would he care? Public Relations. He has a PR company and a PR manager paid to make him and Saints Fc look good. Makes sense that the season is over from a risk point of view and he gives them a chance to try a tactic or two. All for the small price of this Ben Smith journo fella getting a few transfer or news exclusives over the next couple of months.
  20. quality vid. Lovin puncheons work
  21. fifth picture down on that school site news article and you can see them in the background, but probably hundreds of pounds of CGI was spent editing them in... Jeez if you really give that much of a ****, tweet a player and ask them or just phone the stadium then you'll have ur answer.
  22. If it makes anyone feel better, on the match whiteboard the word Offensive was spelled with one f as well. In as patronising a way as possible we remarked it was nice that Mauricio was giving the language a go... in hindsight it was more likely Punch leaving a warning for his team mates after his mid match absence.
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