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Everything posted by Mallagroth

  1. Lambert for Saints: Second highest goal scorer Joint second highest assists Highest shots on target I would say this is a man who is definitely not finished, but merely not having the shooting luck of past seasons. Dip in form is the issue, which can be a number of factors.
  2. "5 goals in 22 PL matches isn't good enough for a main striker" 6 goals but you are right we'd be better off without them. Also lets not forget the assists so we'd be writing off 11 goals total? Wicked can see you've done your homework there.
  3. He's ****, done for, not added anything, been poor this season, we should replace him with a training dummy. or He's suffering from a dip in form but still vital and has been our best attacking player this year. Make of these what you will.
  4. awesome sauce
  5. Regarding the article, after the decision my guess is Clattenburg must have said something like 'shut the **** up pretty boy, your too nice to start making things like that up'. Something like this is what would have been enough to **** someone of Adams experience off, and then cause Poch's unusual comments after the game about handsome etc. With the intention that they were directed at the ref. Then Cortese heard about it and decided that he didn't want to put a decapitated horses head through the trauma of a night with Clattenburg and opted for the official route instead.
  6. Really? You have got to be kidding me... Go on then give us something to talk about because I sure as hell didn't know about this story till i read this thread. Also why are you so bitter about a nobody (no offense meant armstrong) in your life writing some saints related news? I don't know about anyone else but I personally get irritated by people like Sanchez clogging up this board with their self indulgent cry for help and the ensuing arguments for personal satisfaction but this is a genuinely interesting development that i might not have heard otherwise. I have no problem with an argument based on opinion but if your obviously doing it for ****s or gonna get bitter like someones having it off with your missus (yes this is you 'Crazy Diamond') then as i said before you really need to step away... this is of course imho.
  7. Barry you really are a ****ing bore in the way you present every opinion so anti saints, however hidden in your troll fishing I think you have noticed and do make an interesting point regarding our relationship with daily mail, I've always wondered if some sort of deal was struck back when the mail 'conveniently' broke the story about Cortese considering leaving at end of last season. They seem to have really been interested in us since and get pretty good exclusives from the inside team at Sfc. (anyone thought similar?) However if Cortese did strike some deal then I consider it fair play and a stroke of genius to get the club heard in a sea of media bias but that's because I'd rather believe he has the club at heart. Of course if I'd said he was a **** I'd probably get a higher amount of replys to my thread post... Barry I really want to believe that your an intelligent bloke with good insights and the capability for interesting discussion but mostly you seem to hide behind the guise of a silly sad *****. We all know this is a mongboard and i admit i know less about the grand game than most on here, but we have to draw a line of self dignity somewhere. Just a little word with yourself is all I ask.
  8. Mallagroth

    MOTD Tonight

    Roy: You don't have to keep sending those mutilated horse heads anymore, I can see your point, it's a good squad. Please can i at least have my parking fee refunded. Cortese: Refund?!... Very funny you old rascal AHAHAHAHAHAHA !
  9. Saints took time during training to recreate the best moments of last weekends game, Fonte got the short straw and had to play the role of Fulham.
  10. Lallana knew his trick shot was a gamble but Fellaini was clearly lighter than the ball and they both lined up perfectly with the goal. Or The last thing that went through Fellainis mind as Adams foot connected with him was that maybe he should have stuck at basketball... well that and the certainty he was never going to **** right again.
  11. Interesting. Been thinking about something like this myself lately. ( Used to work in live tv at teddington studios). A banter based pre game analysis (bearsy style) and post Match analysis with **** take video features, mock interviews with bad impressions of rival managers, pompey phone ins and wind up features. Quite like idea of doing a feature with Harry Redknapp giving life lessons each week like advice on how to fill in self assessments etc. Either way If you want it to work and work well it would need a larger proportion of scripted preparation than relying solely on improvised 'wit' to actually work. Bout a 70/30 split I reckon.
  12. didnt expect to win, would have been happy with a draw. Norwich have a very good side and I think that we did okay to nullify most of their attacking threat, I feared a big deficit. A lot of people on here were sucking Norwich off about how good their signings were, so i hope at least they expected a battle at their ground. Positive, our defending is much better under MP, Lallana really is beginning to look his old self. Negatives, the attacking bite we've had in the last 4 years seems to have disappeared, yet we've invested in the ability of our attack... bugger. Ref (for both pen decisions and a couple of bad offside calls). Most worrying thing for me about that game was that Norwich pressed us a hell of a lot better than we managed, which is supposed to be our major offensive tactic. Ramirez... **** son. Someone find a taxi number for Uruguay. I'm disappointed that he is getting the nod over other players now. Alternatively we could just blame the result on Fox.
  13. Okay i'll bite. Firstly did you actually go to both our games and physically see the performance and the work the players put in off the ball and more importantly off the highlights reel. I'm gonna take an informed guess at a fat no. We dominated both teams, some people would describe that as outplaying or playing well but not taking hard earned chances. Don't knee jerk that we were poor. Who are you to judge Sunderland and West Brom are poor sides, compared to us? we are two games into the season mate that's it. Finally if you'd watched Wanyama in pre season as well as at matches you'd see he was quality and very good with the ball at his feet, he is involved in the match from start to finish. Do i think he's better than Cork? no i think they're equally as good in different ways. The important question is does Mauricio? Clearly, as he thinks he is good enough to do both schneiderlins and corks job on his own. And finally who in their right ****ing minds would bet on us to beat man city, chelsea and liverpool again in one season. What i'm trying to say is, have a word with yourself mate.
  14. ----------------BORUC-------------- CHAMBERS----LOVREN----FONTE----SHAW --------WANYAMA---MORGAN-------- ----OSVALDO---JWP---LALLANA------ ---------------LAMBERT------------- Subs: K.Davis, Clyne, Maya, Isgrove, Cork, Ramirez, Rodriguez It will be this I reckon, maybe Clyne on for shaw if injured. Wouldn't risk taking chambers out for this one, who is more defensively focused than Clyne against a strong Norwich attack.
  15. 10m and Rooney, then we'll talk
  16. This. Still chuckling, thanks Daily Mail, most enjoyable transfer story in ****ing years. (After the Osvaldo one.)
  17. Barry. Glasgow and other swf trolls, pay attention this is how it is done. Good bit of pwnage from op, less predictable than I would have liked and that's the trick. Fair play op.
  18. lolz
  19. Agreed. It's original and bloody easy for the numptys to get.
  20. possible fix
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrTxz2CJiK4
  22. In answer to your original question, I reckon Barcelona are probably just about ahead of us, messi is very overrated and not a patch on Gaston. Maybe also Real, although i'm sure we'd beat them every time over two games, after all they've only got that donkey Ronaldo pulling the strings.
  23. "... and the best bit my son, is that they had 18,000 crammed in that dump to witness it"
  24. You might have a point in terms of first 11. At this moment in time. do you have a link to the article?
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