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  1. Love to know more about this. I know a 10 year old who plays for a semi-pro club and a district team and has two different coaching techniques, one old school and one very modern who spends a lot of time working on visual awareness, but both try and drill in to the kids how important the game is when you don't have the ball (reading the game) which proves a real challenge to a fair few of them (even the technically good ones). Be interested how you set about identifying players. Is it a random visit to a game or do you get a heads up on someone. There was a game I was at sometime ago where a kid from the other team played a blinder, a rumoured scout turned up only for that said kid to be put in goal unknowingly. I guess that was his chance gone.
  2. Was saying the same thing last night.
  3. Thought that too. Gave Rose lots of problems before going off injured.
  4. One for each supporter.
  5. Today and again Saturday is 4 days if that is how he meant it.
  6. The quicker Forster comes back the better.
  7. Donation made. You don't realise how happy this will make us. My eldest is the Saints mascot for this game, so it now means an important member of the family can come. Your seat is also 3 rows directly behind ours. Happy days p.s my youngest was mascot for the Chelsea away game this season, so hopefully same result.
  8. Fantastic, where abouts is the seat ?
  9. Ill take it please.
  10. Agree, would like Wilson from Bournemouth.
  11. Maybe they'll have some spare tickets
  12. Damn .... to slow again. If anyone else has got a couple for sale I would be really grateful. Thanks.
  13. Why was Romeu dropped ? Needed ball winners and fighters against that lot today.
  14. Thanks for posting that. Some new stuff in there I've not seen before.
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