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  1. You are kidding right? I can count at least £35m wasted on players who don't play.
  2. Cortese was a man out of control. I'm surprised it has taken this long for the owners to reign him in. If it was my business and my money i wouldn't have let his behaviour go unchecked for so long. No doubt legal cases will follow soon, but unlike those that Cortese brought and settled at the last minute, this one will be at his own expense. My money is on Katarina.
  3. But he wasn't even a good businessman. If he was such a good businessman he would have borrowed the £14m to buy the club himself and be cashing in his investment now for upwards of £150m. He didn't, Katarina will be; he'll walk away with f-all. Genius.
  4. It's a fookin disgrace. An off the shelf kit shared by at least a dozen other clubs including Bristol City, and Everton. Where are our stripes, where is our tradtion? This shirt is a disgrace. DON"T BUY IT.
  5. I would happily bet anyone a pound to a pinch of **** MP wouldn't leave if NC went. If he did he will be the first manager in recorded history to choose to leave because of a change of CEO. Remember if he resigns no pay off, just a P45 and the job centre with all the other unemployed managers. In reality this is just NC trying to rachit up the presure on the Liebherrs.
  6. Shhh. This is a secret so don't tell everyone. Maybe QPR are going down because they didn't play as good football as everyone else.
  7. Have we ever had a fan on the board? Like Cortese before he started at SFC, most fans have no experience of running a business so not a good idea. I would think the good people in Switzerland could come up with an experienced CEO to take us to the next level.
  8. I'm too late to vote alas. But I would have voted NO. Corteses achievements above and beyond what any other CEO appointed by Marcus would have achieved are hugely over estimated. My advice to the Liebherr Trust (I'm sure they waiting to hear my advice), is ditch the expensive and egotistical Cortese and get another CEO in; and continue your involvement.
  9. If NC goes the Liebherrs will replace him. End of. No big deal. If the Liebherrs want to sell the club they will sell the club whatever Cortese says or does. Personally I think Cortese is a bit of a loose cannon and it would be a good idea for the Liebherrs to get in a new man to take us to the next level.
  10. I think it's probably more about his rewards rather than money for team buiding, justguessing obviously. My advice to the good Liebherr people is to call his bluff.
  11. I think Cortese and a number of posters on here way over estimate his importance to us. If he left he would be replaced swiftly and with little trouble.
  12. It is truly amazing how a few simple fans on here believe in the hype put out by the clubs PR dept. And frankly a little embarrassing. Cortese's 'vision' and 'the next level' are my two favourite catch phrases. The the Dwarf has fooked up yet again sacking our most successful manager since WWII after back-to-back promotions and easing into premiership mid table, for a failed foreign coach. It's a pity we will never see out the journey Adkins was taking us on. BTW. Espanyol have moved out of the relegation zone since MP was sacked. Fact.
  13. What really p1sses me off about Cortese is for a supposed tough guy he doesn't have the balls to turn up to the press conference and explain his actions. If you have anything about you at all, when you make difficult or unpopular decisions you face up and explain yourself, not hide away. Just when you think you can't have less respect for a man he surprises you.
  14. If there is anything good to come of all this, it is that the Liebherr family realise what a prat they are employing and get rid of Cortese before he does any more damage to our club.
  15. It's quite sweet in a funny way that some people are so insulated from the reality of life they think nothing can go wrong just because they have faith.
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