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Everything posted by DatSaint

  1. Forren won the Norwegian Cup today with Molde!
  2. Vegard Forren did actually play very well in the two games Norway played the last week, espically against Scotland.
  3. Had the same problem, and now I'm geoblocked again!
  4. I was geoblocked for a period using OverPlay. But it seems like OverPlay has fixed the problem, currently watching Tottenham-Chelsea!
  5. The site was really slow, but when I first got the stream going it was HD quality. I dont regret buying it, for now. But then again, the other stream that was posted here wasn't too bad either.
  6. YES! Now I'm ready for tomorrow!!!!
  7. Anyone know a decent site where i could order a England shirt with an orignial Lambert print on it???
  8. Love the pictures of Rickie in the England shirt! MORE!
  9. Oh dear, the only thing that looked kind of good isn't going on sale.
  10. I watch the Norwegian league!
  11. Anyone know when the training gear is going on sale? That's what I want!
  12. Cheers mate!
  13. Was Isgrove any decent? Hardly got a mention.
  14. I hope it's Lamela!
  15. http://www.tv2.no/sport/fotball/solskjaer-fikk-nei-fra-forren-4078126.html The Echo is correct, Solskjaer asked if he wanted to join Molde on loan but Forren said no and is insisting on fighting for a place in the Southampton first eleven next season. I'm from Norway myself and surprisingly i met Forren at a Tippeliga match last sunday, Sandnes Ulf vs Sogndal. I think he's good friends with one of the Sandnes Ulf players. He's a really nice guy, I took a picture with him and he said himself that he was going to fight for a place on the team next year. Since I'm Norwegian i'm really hoping he can prove himself. Was a class act here in Norway, only thing he might have missed was speed, which is something i presume he has worked on since he came here.
  16. Can anyone tell me how I can save these pictures to my computer?
  17. If my sources are correct, we will sign a couple of new players before the season starts.
  18. Is there a link to this video anywhere?
  19. Are you stupid? I want the three points!!!
  20. Jack Butland wasn't in the squad for Birmingham today, is there a reason or is it a transfer in the making?
  21. Norwegian media claims that we beat Liverpool, Juve and Milan to get Astori and that he basically is ready for the Saints.
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