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Everything posted by 110_Persaint

  1. 110_Persaint


    Wish this forum had a similar idiots-to-sane people ratio...
  2. Glad you're enjoying the ride!
  3. 110_Persaint


    You've lost all credibility.
  4. 110_Persaint


    But Messi is quite good?
  5. 110_Persaint


    Someone enlighten me??? Why is everyone on SWF sucking Lukaku's d1ck?
  6. Look who's talking
  7. Tell me mulletsaint... who doesn't love picking on MLG?
  8. Care to elaborate on that mate?
  9. 110_Persaint


    Thank heavens for that. Never knew what all the fuss was about anyway.
  10. I don't get it???
  11. 110_Persaint


    I must be missing something?!?! THIS GUY IS AVERAGE!!!
  12. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?45662-Is-Yoshida-Lovren-good-enough#.UeRFIY03DOs
  13. Surely after the Wanyama signing we don't need this thread anymore? Or do we?
  14. About the one thing that's kept this forum semi-interesting since the season ended.
  15. 110_Persaint


    Still don't understand why this guy is treated as some sort of footballing god on these forums... One decent game at SMS where he gave our crappy defence the runaround and now he's one of the best strikers on the market in Europe?? The bloke is just an average goal poacher, no better than £2m Michu.
  16. just realised your comment's been deleted LMFAO!! Come on mods, we all know he was just having a laugh.
  17. Yep because MP's arrival sure helped bring the best out of Ramirez...
  18. Cavani is irreplaceable folks, ergo no such thing as a 'Cavani replacement'.
  19. Decent enough read. Unfortunately nothing we didn't already know.
  20. Brilliant.
  21. Where is/was this?
  22. Funny you should say that.
  23. A kid would enjoy such a rubbish thread. It takes a certain level of maturity to realise how ridiculous of a thread this is. "Scummer" has never been nor ever will be a term of endearment. To ask if it is "accepted" to call ourselves scummers is absolutely mental. (p.s. that face palm was at OP again, not at you stepgear, I agree with your thoughts 100%)
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