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Everything posted by 110_Persaint

  1. Oh well you are a northern little **** from Newcastle so what was I expecting.
  2. Wow you really are a grudge-bearing, black-hearted miserable old git. Are you the type who spends all summer shirtless on their front lawn on a folding recliner with a massive beergut and a beer in their hand shouting at playing little children who get anywhere near their property? That's how I picture you. Not sure who it was who made you a mod here and why, but whoever it was should know that SWF and all its posters are worse off for it.
  3. Wow you really are a miserable old git. I'm not usually of that type but I really do hope you get banned summarily from here. This place'd be better off for it.
  4. For someone you do not know personally what makes you think that? Like. Second only to Glasgow on SWF top posters imho
  5. This. Shame really.
  6. MP doesn't rate Fonte imho. Poor bloke's trying to do whatever to force his way back into the team.
  7. Care to share your name or pseudonym?
  8. There's this player on our team called Jack Cork I'd like to introduce you to. Wanyama was clearly bought to add a spark of creativity if anything.
  9. We need to calm down with playmakers and CMs.
  10. Fantastic and fascinating read. Hopefully everyone would of learnt from the Ramirez fiasco to not get their hopes up.
  11. 110_Persaint does not know how to ride a bike.
  12. Recently got infracted for "Posting a sarcastic/pointless remark" when saying "no sh1t sherlock" to a too obvious remark by a fellow poster. I'm sure the person I said it to was unable to sleep that night and/or had nightmares because of my remark. What are some other ridiculous infractions fellow posters have been handed out?
  13. Jayrod not fit to tie Lamps' laces imho
  14. 110_Persaint


    They've publicly stated he's not a target.
  15. This.
  16. Looking at that squad, the lack of pace in it is shocking, absolutely shocking. We'd give tortoises a run for their money.
  17. 110_Persaint


    This. This forum needs more DuncanRGs...
  18. 110_Persaint


    If we had that United team on the final day Rickie would of bagged a hat-trick easily.
  19. 110_Persaint


    I don't know whether to or
  20. 110_Persaint


    http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?43606-The-Social-Ladder-of-Saints-Web#.UeRV7I03DOs Post #14 category 7) Always knew you were a troll.
  21. No sh1t sherlock
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