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Everything posted by 110_Persaint
Is it just me or is it looking like we've got another Buttner on our hands?
So if he proves to be as good as on a par with the likes of Schneiderlin and Wanyama he'll get in the side ahead of them and one of those two will drop to the bench?
Couldn't of happened to a nicer feller.
2:17pm Might as well guess since no one here really knows.
Kind of feel bad for Wanyama cause he's got his work cut out to justify his £12m price tag and the added pressure of being at least same value for money as midfield partner £1m Schneiderlin. Good Luck Victor.
not really what we're getting though is it... we didn't really really 'get' the Youtube version of Ramirez, but alas his twin brother.
Chances of a failed medical anyone? It's happened before.
Wikipedia says he's signed for Man U?
Judging from Ramirez and Forren, they know how to dodge a bullet. Here's hoping...
Some of the stupidity on this forum is absolutely incredible. Embarrassing to know some fans of my beloved club can reach such levels of idiocy. Real life Saints fans I know are nowhere near as thick.
That the same Javi who used to terrorise Saints Forever saying it was just a matter of time for us to sign Javier De Pedro?
Cheers mate. Now I can get back to a normal life for the next 12 or so hours.
Can only speak from my experiences mate. A lot of illegal unethical sh*te happens everyday in this country from otherwise normal folks and I get told from friends of friends (of friends). Maybe it's just this day and age but my generation is certainly different from that in which you grew up in I'm assuming. Anything and everything happens and the law is no hindrance to doing as one pleases. Therefore I can only assume other youth throughout the country are like many that I know, and that makes a large enough percentage to be taken seriously. That reasonable enough? Or were you leaving anyway?
Again not liars! They simply opt out of answering such surveys or answer based on what they believe is right or proper. How many mums go around telling people "help! my teenage daughter is pregnant, what do I do???"
What makes you so sure?
Not liars, just misinformed. You can't rely on official statistics for everything, especially when it comes to nationwide data in a country as ethnically and culturally diverse as this. Corruption and fraud are becoming ever more widespread and the most the authorities can hope for is the honest, bona fide people tell the whole impartial truth. And even that would only be a small proportion.
Surely that's where all details are finalised though after an initial agreement has been reached?
Certainly not the case for the educated bunch who know what lying scumbags the media can be.
Do tell what you know mate!
I don't know which seems more likely at the moement - Wanyama or Banega? Could we possibly get both?
Chances are most whites are non-immigrants, and there's been fewer and fewer of them proportionally as of late to suggest immigrants are on the rise. When these changes are recent and relatively sudden in their appearance (only 10 or so years ago they were much less), chances are a large number of those new faces were not born and bred in this country, and are first generations from elsewhere. When babies are born absolutely. Welcome to the real world mate. Not all babies are born unfortunately.