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110_Persaint's Achievements

  1. Agree with lineup, except keep Cork, done nothing wrong lately.
  2. Are we capable of mounting ONE SINGLE ATTACK without a single sideways or backward pass?!?!
  3. Utter sh*te. MOPO OUT!
  4. I've been advocating him being a regular for some time, looked quality every time he's come on. His falling out with MoPo is just one of many reasons why the manager has to go.
  5. Even Fat Sam can outwit our muppet manager
  6. And who's decision was that???
  7. League Cup = gone FA Cup = gone Europa League = gone Champions League = Think I've just about had it with this muppet, knows as much about football as Cameron does about wealth redistribution. I've been criticising him ever since he came here and of been constantly berated for doing so (both on and off SWF). Nice to see folks are finally coming round to the idea that this manager of ours is absolute sh*te. Never filled me with confidence, never felt convinced he'd ever succeed here. I'm sorry but he has to go. Would anyone really, truly, honestly, shed a tear for him if he left?
  8. Shay Given? Get your facts right mate
  9. Rickie just went up 150% in my estimation.
  10. trousers = Smirking_Saint off to TMS to report this
  11. Been noticing that a lot myself around here lately. Great to know there are always level headed folks like you around Bear!
  12. Please tell me your taking the ****. 12 million plus Shaw for Lukaku is an absolute bargain.
  13. What is the deal with this? Serious question. Folks are more than happy to go off about Fox, Jos and Gazzaniga being not fit to wear the shirt, not premier league level, not good enough, blah blah blah. But when it comes to our manager, he's untouchable??? This man is the primary reason for our slump, why can't we all admit to this and question his managerial ability?
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