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About Bakovnetski

  • Birthday 12/06/1961

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  1. Think we'll see Shea Charles back soon
  2. He is only fast without the ball, as far as I can see has no chance of keeping it
  3. Lallana needs to be put out to pasture. Doesn't have the fitness or speed to compete at this level any more. Should take his badges if he hasn't already done so.
  4. Archer rather than Sully
  5. He expected a sac day with Lucy.
  6. So pretty much like the rest of us
  7. They obviously have nothing better to do
  8. You mean like Dirk Diggler? 😆
  9. Maybe I misread the statement and she halved her shareholding?
  10. https://united.group/leadership/victoriya-boklag/ CEO of Dragan's media empire. Smart cookie by the sounds of it. Ukrainian educated Stateside. Hopefully sort out Rasmus and Henrik. #directorsboxwatching
  11. Looks like Dragan transferred 995126 shares earlier this year to Viktorija Boklag. Whoever she is.
  12. Wood has had good games to be fair and deserves to be ahead of Stephens
  13. Or Shoot to Thrill (AC/DC)
  14. He'll get new boots and panties with this job change
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