Not sure if this article has been posted on here yet, but an indepth background on Daesh, with a viewpoint on how to tackle them. It was written in September, so before the Paris massacre.
Definitely worth a read.
You may be right, UJ, you may be wrong. Either way, a premier league player coming out is the only way we'll (and other kids up and down the country) know that for sure, and for that alone, it's a positive thing.
Not according to this thread.
According to this thread it's of no consequence if they come out, homophobia does not exist today apart from one or two "bellends" and if they do come out, it's probably just for PR and career purposes.
Note. The story is supposed to be breaking in the new year.
It's all very well doing a sad face, UJ, but the reality is, if there were more men like Turkish around, then less women would have to resort to feminism.
I agree, Turkish! I'm starting to see you in a whole different light now. I do like a man with a bit of class, and you clearly have a lot of style. If only there were more men like you around, then this forum would have the women flocking. It's obvious from reading a lot of posts on here that there are many men who have no style.