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Everything posted by Coxford_lou

  1. I'm undecided between Ex lion Tamer and Pap as owning this thread. Can we have a vote off?
  2. That's a new one. Please explain...
  3. Heheh.
  4. In my experience, guys are all the same. When you're the new girl on the block they get all excited and pay you lots of attention. Then when they realise there's fat chance they're getting any action, they quickly get bored and move onto the next lucky lady. Which is why I think Bearsy could do well...
  5. I only learnt what a golden shower, pearl necklace and teabagging was when I was 30. They don't teach this stuff at St Anne's!
  6. Oh my god. Boring old white men in suits. No offence to all the white men in suits that frequent this site, which I'm sure is about 90% of you.
  7. Heh. There's nothing wrong with cold showers you know. I hear they're quite nice.
  8. That said, I'm really chuffed with my new avatar. Was never a fan of the old one. I'm not a very yellow person. New pic represents me perfectly (just maybe 20 years younger). The rest of you need to go have a permanent cold shower and never come back out again!
  9. This thread has just gone. My fault again.
  10. Darn, I've been outed. That is me.
  11. Itc could work for a few posters. Or abp = a bit psychic ?
  12. Sounds more a case of agg* than itk. *a good guesser
  13. You know that doesn't look like me, GB, I've got dark hair!
  14. No JB. A cool and classy cowgirl. http://img002.lazygirls.info/people/marilyn_monroe/marilyn_monroe_marilyn_monroe_on_set_of_the_misfits_in_nevada_in_1960_VmpxcPN.sized.jpg
  15. Oh no, Jonnyboy. I don't want to be modern day fake cowgirl.
  16. Johnny Guitar - one of the best film noir starring Joan Crawford as a femme fatale. I'm guessing it won't be up your street:
  17. I don't even know what that is! And I'm quite happy not to!
  18. It's a lasso, Smirking. She's herding cattle. You need your bum kicked like Joan Crawford would do in Johnny Guitar.
  19. Bear, you think everything is a dirty photo. I don't think your opinion on what is and isn't dirty should be taken into consideration. The girl is obviously working.
  20. But I like cowgirls they kick arse, get muddy, make bonfires, sing and play guitar. It's who I would be if I wasn't brought up in effing Soton!
  21. Just a pair. One for each leg. I think that's normal.
  22. Haha, good one Saint in Paradise. I might use some of those techniques!
  23. Yeah, and a lasso. To keep you lot in check !!
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