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Everything posted by Coxford_lou

  1. Thanks for the link. What a brilliant set of comments. The fans know better. The English media are hell bent for English failure. I'm sure they they must have worked out on average they can sell more copies/get more visits when they're moaning rather than when we're winning. Sad really.
  2. Oh. My. God. That clip is staggering. The guy in the pale blue shirt can hardly string a sentence together. Boy are they out of touch with the public on this. Their seething negativity has made me feel quite dirty! What a bunch of losers.
  3. This. Makes me laugh how negative people are on here - any other team's forum has unending bias for their club. Whereas on here, poor old Saints get constantly slated! Crazy. While final result was frustrating, they're still an inexperienced team - holding on to a lead is down to 'know-how' not skill, and that's the easy bit to gain, just needs time. That first half performance showed amazing potential! Exciting times for Saints supporters (or at least, it should be).
  4. My first post on Saintweb: Sunderland W Fulham D Stoke L Arsenal W Villa W 10 points. Now there's an optimist for you.
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