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Everything posted by Coxford_lou
Ok, fair go. I'm not intending to, and I wasn't joking about him joining us because it always breaks down barriers. I don't like people being picked on, not a nice feeling. Pap pushes it, but this was just an odd scenario as nothing that extreme seemed to have happened. But I'm glad you're sticking up for Batman.
Bateman, you're top of my 'trouble' list.
I'd like to make a speech. The thing I'm most proud of this year is ridding the Saintsweb forum of porn, or scantily clad nuns, and hopefully making it a welcoming place for more women in the future to join us. And without the help of any mods or getting people banned (to my knowledge). My goal next year will be a campaign to get sexism added to the list of things banned from Saintsweb. I've already kick-started those conversations with Mr Grant and he seemed open to the idea, so I feel confident this is something I can make happen. Then the following year, I'm going to tackle to lack of women on this board by pitching to Mr Grant the idea of creating quotas for amount of men who are allowed to register onto the site to keep a 70-30 split at all times. And there will be special bonuses for men who persuade a woman to join the forum, for example this could include infractions being deleted. Please vote for me!! ;)
that is definitely the case with The Pap.
Thanks guys feeling the love. Redslo is top of my list. The effort, obsession and attention to detail he contributes to the forum, with very little thanks, no geographical connection and even insults back at him, is admirable. Anyone who picks on Redslo is dead to me. The love affair between Redslo and Bearsy is a beautiful thing.
As owner of the Saintsweb post match drinks club, I'm happy to confirm that Pap will always be an honorary member, no matter how much he may or may not offend me in the future. If he ever does need disciplining, it will involve a kick up the bum, not a banning. Batman is also very welcome too. In fact, actively encouraged to join us. Yours sincerely, Ms Lou of Coxford. PS. ??built in clipboard in the air??
I want in on this free drink too!
Me? Why would me doing it make it more obvious for Whelk?! I don't have any enemies. I'm sorry you felt targeted or bullied Batman, and I don't really understand the background to why you get singled out, but as far as I can tell, it usually came off the back of you saying something daft. The comic strip was a funny response to a daft comment. I wish you would fight back more though! But maybe with a bit more humour...
Hi Pap!!! How are you?! Are you OK? Is there anything you need us to do for you? xxx
Well, I don't know who he is, and I'm fine with that. I do think, like Pap, he's a pretty interesting character though. Which is a good thing for this place.
Are you joining us, Whelk. For moral support?!
Oh I don't know Steve.... You know I think you guys are amazing with this site, and the way you handle the mad stuff that goes on here. It's a pretty much impossible job. And it's an amazing community. And I very much disapprove of Pap naming someone who is anon on here, which I said in a previous post. But you can tell Pap is a good egg. Irate stuff, but no malice in it, and entertaining all the way. If I can handle being called a "sl*g" on the main forum....seriously....(!!!) then the rest of us should be able to handle the exuberance of Pap. Please reconsider...???!!!
I've never called it a forum meet up. That sounds very uncool. It's called drinks. If you're missing Pap, you of course are more than welcome to join us, Hypo.
I know! He was even complimentary about Verbal! Turkish is way more of an ar*e than Pap has ever been. To get your own comic strip taking the mickey out of you - that's a massive compliment. Some people pay for that!
Definitely not. Only I'm allowed to say who comes to post match drinks. Come join us Steve Grant! And Batman! Let's all be friends again!
Behind your back, Pap always speaks very highly of you, UJ.
Well, now Pap has been banned, you definitely can't miss it for the behind the scenes gossip. One or two is acceptable
How can you make me laugh at this sad time! He was your drinking buddy GB!
I'm distraught
Nooooooo!!! Seriously?! You can't ban Pap! He's a a good guy. What did he do??
That's true. I was on my own, definitely the braver one.
I can't tell from the pic if this is Bearsy or Lighthouse? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/horrifying-picture-shows-bare-chested-yob-5695004
PS. Is he still on this site??! Do we know him??
And when Bucks first agreed to join me for a drink, he had zero to go on as I hardly posted in those days. I could have been a weirdo for all he knew! That took guts. I miss those heady days of Highbury meet ups with a 10 minute walk home...