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Everything posted by luvinthesaints

  1. So, are you saying that no tickets were sold?
  2. So you did cancel through lack of interest then?
  3. REALLY? This from the team that had to cancel a fund raising friendly through lack of ticket sales? short memories!!!
  4. If Pompeys current regime are responsible for everything that has gone on in previohs regimes despite having no part in it then everyone that lives in Southampton will be arrested for murder today because this happened yesterday http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-22231438 Luckily, going by the crap in this thread, you all seem to have a massive legal knowledge and will be able to defend yourselves easily
  5. 1763 pages of posts about us suggests that you do all care just a little bit too much FAF
  6. Sorry, i thought that FA cup wins and finals and uefa cup appearances were a significant inprovement on our previous Div 1 status? Of course you have improved, you started from a pretty low stand point didnt you?
  7. So, if I understand the beliefs of the posters on this forum, Saints and other clubs are fully justified in being over funded by mega rich backers but Pompey illegally bought their recent FA cup bids and other successes? Just checking
  8. They seem to have managed it OK in Fareham and currently in Gosport!!
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