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Everything posted by Torres

  1. "This is a legal matter and I don't really want to go into it." ROFL.
  2. Anybody could have bought him out over the last few years if they'd really been willing to actually part with some cash rather than make a raft of empty promises.
  3. Torres


    Are you me?
  4. Not at all - he made some very valid points and summarised the way many people feel.
  5. Just like the eminent local businessmen and Saints fans did when Wilde and Crouch rode into town last time, huh? Yes, I am looking at you, Patrick Trant. I do hope people aren't falling for this new stream of bullsh*t that Leon has opened recently.
  6. Torres

    SSN today

    SSN or SSN?
  7. So yes, it is shareholder power. :confused:
  8. I put the players into four groups (count 'em), so I'll ask again - can you read?
  9. It'a all well and good throwing these names about (Salz, Fulthorpe, Gavyn Davies...) but is there any sign of their money?
  10. Again though, doesn't this come down to shareholder power? As it has for the last 10+ years?
  11. Sorry John, I'm afraid you're seriously wrong here. What I do advocate is not "doing something" due to a misguided belief that it's better than "doing nothing" and that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Present me with a plausible alternative that has a realistic chance of success and I'l be all over it.
  12. OK - I'll alter that. We have a team of kids with potential, ****e that nobody else wants and players who don't want to be here - mixed in with a couple who we'll probably be forced to sell by the financiers in January.
  13. lol - are you aware of our wage bill in the second half of last season?
  14. IN favour of....? If they come anywhere near, I'll back 'em. Until this magical white knight appears whe have to believe that what we currently have is enough to survive.
  15. Well it does. We have team of kids who appear to be barely up to the job and a manager who is struggling to keep us in safe position. Why? Because we have no money to play with whatsoever and we're trying to make the best we can with what we have. Some days that's going to be enough, some days it ain't. Welcome to life as a fan of a poor club at the wrong end of the table.
  16. It's not about standing up for anyone, it's about a rational perspective on the situation. Whether I was at St. Mary's today or not doesn't change the fact that we are financially f*cked.
  17. Only if we let it - which is the sad thing - some people have. Show some fight, show some belief. We've been in many worse positions than this (in terms of league position/points) before and people weren't throwing the towel then. F*cking cowards.
  18. Aye, that's the Dell Spirit.
  19. # He does? He has to go? Says who? Sadly Andrew, you seem to be one of the few people who realise that what they really want to happen is justr a dream. I'm afraid more people are needed to face up to reality of the situation - this season is going to be one hell of a struggle no matter who is in charge. Calling for the head of one manager only for him to be replaced by someone else in the same situation is utterly, totally, pointless.
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