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Everything posted by Torres

  1. I think we've already established that! BTW - are you sure your wife is a para legal? I've already had a nasty realisation in this thread
  2. To get his picture re-instated in the boardroom, probably.
  3. He's still right and your opening point is still wrong.
  4. I have always wondered why she works from home, has "client meetings" at home and why these "clients" always visit one at a time :mad:
  5. Ah, I see. As an IT contractor, I always work on 48 week years. Not sure how much work a filing clerk would do on a Sunday afternoon, tbf.
  6. Has the casual racsim been deleted or did I imagine it?
  7. 60 hour weeks, 48 weeks a year?
  8. Christ, I wish my missus got paid her chargeout rate. Edit - as soon as I hit "Submit" I knew that I'd have to edit to make it perfectly clear that she is not, I repeat NOT, a hooker.
  9. Sweet - we could replace the Dutch revolutionary coaching setup with an Indian version. Anyone know who plated a full-back for India in the 1974 Asia Cup?
  10. Have we actually been relegated yet?
  11. My guess is that he knows more that you, tbf.
  12. Frank Bruno and Clare Balding are going to be very busy judging.
  13. lol - it's the reincarnation of Richard Chorley.
  14. There's a better way of finding out than asking on here. :drinkers:
  15. It's in my man-bag. :cool: Why?
  16. Weren't there significant costs in cleaning the site in preparation for building SMS?
  17. And yet you quoted the entire post? Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Like I said, perhaps you should take a break.
  18. Well, given that: a) you said that his post had no substance whatsoever, b) he made reference to the funding raised for the building of SMS, and c) SMS was built and I've seen it with my own eyes then, yes, I am sure. You seem to be having a difficult day. Why not take a nap?
  19. Errr, he did?
  20. Other than the facts, of course. Lolism.
  21. A black hole is formed and the entire galaxy is compressed to size of a pea.
  22. A truck-load of money. I shudder to think what the chargeout rate for a Partner at Begbies Traynor is - and we've got two of 'em. Plus assorted other staff, expenses etc. Yikes.
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