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Everything posted by Zlavik
I'll remember to quote you on this at the end of the season The fact that you have been right once doesn't mean that you're always right, and to use that as an argument is very arrogant. Personal insults is not something that makes your statement any more valid either. I feel that Boruc will do just great and that he won't cause mistakes that cost us 6 points during this season if he is our first choice goaltender. I'll bet you a fiver on that
Did I say that it wasn't? I just pointed out that their finances aren't that great and they would have made a loss unless they got a one-time tax cut. From my perspective FPP is just the beginning. There will be more regulations. I'm not saying FPP will make it perfect but it's a step in the right direction. Arensal and Man Utd will have more money than us, yes. But clubs won't be able to spend money that they don't have to buy players, like it is in todays market. This means that they might be able to get one of our, lets say, three top prospects but not all three. We will keep two out of three and thanks to that we will be more competitive. The reason for the debt is from my perspective that it is good business as long as the country has a decent inflation rate. Uk has had a pretty high inflation rate wich makes loans good business.
I think you guys overestimate Uniteds (and all other major clubs) finances. They would have made a loss of 5 million pounds during last year if it wasn't for some tax credit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19633967 They are also over 300 million pounds in debt.
Everybody loves a winner. Imo these clubs now run on the fact that they can buy players from other teams and it doesn't matter if they lose money in their books. With a good financial system no team would be able to buy a lot of players every year and they would instead have to rely heavily on their youth academy for future talent, or they would have to buy cheaper players from lower leagues and take a gamble. This will lead to more competitive football imo.
What do you guys think about signing Jonas Olsson? Apparently there is a clause in his contract that wouldn't make him that expensive to buy.. Imo he would be a nice CB signing.
Fans always support a winning team. If Man Utd cant buy the players they need to win, another team will start winning and they will get more fans and more money. It will be different teams on top simply because no team will be able to buy a winning team. Lets say for example Man Utd wins the league, the next year their players are getting older and can't keep up. They won't be able to buy a ****load of players with a good financial system and therefore another team will most likely win.
I think they are trying to become more like the NHL, in the last 12 seasons there has been 10 different teams that has won. This is because of the changes that has been made financially to the teams in the league. If this would happen in PL it would be a good thing for us IMO and it would be awesome. FPP is a good start on regulating the league.
Of course you are right, they are not stamped out yet. But I'm trying to be positive here, hopefully UEFA will do their job and we will be in a much better position thanks to it
Since clubs will have to breakeven, they can't buy players for so much money as they do now. That will mean that we (hopefully) can keep our young talents and live on our youth school. This will (hopefully) mean that within 5-15 years we can compete at the top level, simply because we will be able to keep talent. This is my hypothesis and I'm not saying that I'm right. I'm simply speculating.
Ah but the sponsorship has to be "resonable", that's why PSG is under investigation from UEFA right now for their deal with a Quatar(i think it was Quatar) bank that will give them a buttload of money.
"UEFA's Executive Committee unanimously approved a financial fair play concept for the game's well-being in September 2009. The concept has also been supported by the entire football family, with its principal objectives being: • to introduce more discipline and rationality in club football finances; • to decrease pressure on salaries and transfer fees and limit inflationary effect; • to encourage clubs to compete with(in) their revenues; • to encourage long-term investments in the youth sector and infrastructure; • to protect the long-term viability of European club football; • to ensure clubs settle their liabilities on a timely basis. These approved objectives reflect the view that UEFA has a duty to consider the systemic environment of European club football in which individual clubs compete, and in particular the wider inflationary impact of clubs' spending on salaries and transfer fees. In recent seasons, many clubs have reported repeated, and worsening, financial losses. The wider economic situation has created difficult market conditions for clubs in Europe, and this can have a negative impact on revenue generation and creates additional challenges for clubs in respect of the availability of financing and day-to-day operations. Many clubs have experienced liquidity shortfalls, leading for instance to delayed payments to other clubs, employees and social/tax authorities. Therefore, as requested by the football family, and in consultation with the football family, UEFA is introducing sensible and achievable measures to realise these goals. They include an obligation for clubs, over a period of time, to balance their books or break even. Under the concept, clubs cannot repeatedly spend more than their generated revenues, and clubs will be obliged to meet all their transfer and employee payment commitments at all times. Higher-risk clubs that fail certain indicators will also be required to provide budgets detailing their strategic plans. The financial fair play measures involve a multi-year assessment, enabling a longer-term view to be formed and within the wider context of European club football. They reach beyond the existing UEFA club licensing system criteria that are primarily designed to enable an assessment of a club's financial situation in the short term, and is primarily administered by the governing bodies in each UEFA national association. The UEFA Executive Committee approved the formation of the two-chamber Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) in June 2012 to oversee the application of the UEFA Club Licensing System and Financial Fair Play Regulations. The CFCB replaced the Club Financial Control Panel, which had monitored clubs since the first introduction of the regulations in May 2010, with the main evolution being that the CFCB is an UEFA Organ for the Administration of Justice. It is also competent to impose disciplinary measures in the case of non-fulfilment of the requirements, and to decide on cases relating to clubs’ eligibility for UEFA club competitions. Under Article 34 of the procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body, CFCB members remove themselves from cases, on their own initiative or upon request if they themselves, their association or a club belonging to that association, or another club with which they are connected in any other way, are directly concerned, or if their independence or impartiality is in doubt. The UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations, which were approved in May 2010 after an extensive consultation period and updated in the 2012 edition, are being implemented over a three-year period, with clubs participating in UEFA club competitions having their transfer and employee payables monitored since the summer of 2011, and the break-even assessment covering the financial years ending 2012 and 2013 to be assessed during 2013/14." Meaning, no sheik can come in and just throw money in the team. It has to be able to survive without outside money.
So our goal should be to just avoid relegation in PL? I don't see any problem with having a LONG TERM goal of playing in CL, I actually think all clubs in PL have this goal. The game will change with the new fair financial play rules.
But Boruc doesn't make mistakes all day long. He was as previous posters has said nervous and had a shaky start, after that he was fine. Gazza and Kelvin have shaky moments all through the games. I don't know if you saw Fontes reaction when Boruc jumped up and picked out a ball in the air during the Arsenal game? He looked very happy and confident and patted Boruc on the shoulder screaming something encouraging. Have you seen that reaction to Davis or Gazza from him? I havent. Plus the players aren't afraid to pass the ball to Boruc, they are scared to pass it to Davis and Gazza wich has led to some dangerous situations.
No, mistakes that don't lead to a goal is fine. Mistakes that lead to goals aren't. The best goaltenders in the world make mistakes, but most of these don't lead to a goal. Bad goaltenders make bad mistakes at bad times that lead to goals.
You see there is a huge difference between the mistakes Gazza and Kelvin has made compared to Borucs. None of Borucs mistakes has led to a goal, if they had I would have been just as hard on him.
Since we started playing like PL team after his return, I'd have to say Cork.
Great match. Everyone looked good out there, Boruc started a bit shaky but played good after the shaky start. You can see that the players have faith in Boruc and dare to pass the ball to him whenever. He also came up in the air to pick out a few balls that i think Davis might have had problems with. There is one BIG thing from this match that I dont think that anyone here has reflected on. The pass home from Fonte, I think that Davis or Gazza wouldnt have came out for it and we would probably have been scored on. Anyone else think the same?
I want some of them drugs you are on son.
**** yes!
Kelvin looked really bad today. Had no control on the ball and everytime he went up for a duel he lost it.. Boruc next game please?
Well... I must say. I am impressed.
What the hell is going on with the line-up overall!?!?! Guly, Hoovield and no Ramirez??
What's happend to Clyne?
Always said Boruc and I'm sticking with it. Hopefully he'll be in full shape for the next game and be between the posts.
It's christmas in Sweden so merry x-mas everybody!!