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Everything posted by Zlavik

  1. This kid will be a world class player. He will be a big star within a few years and if we could loan him and sign him up now... Well, then we would be in luck.
  2. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Well the problem here is simple. Boruc has higher expectations on him than Gazza or Davis. When he hasn't let a goal in for 20 games maybe he'll be ok.
  3. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Wow, a person who knows what he's talking about and can back it up with facts on this forum. Tajjuk, I think I'm falling for you!
  4. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    You really didn't understand the word dogmatic. I'll explain what I meant for you.. I believe that even if Boruc plays fantastic football, you will not give him credit. I can't say that he's been perfect, but in my opinion he hasn't done much wrong either. I didn't say that he's played great so far, nor will I say th
  5. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Mate I'm starting to feel that you're a bit dogmatic about Boruc, no matter what he does you won't give him credit.
  6. This will be a hard game. Just because they've had a poor run of form doesn't mean the poor run will continue. Inductive thinking isn't always a good thing, especially not in football.
  7. I think rather than ban him they could do what Saint Charlie said. Cap him to 1-3 posts per day for 1 month and see if he learns his lesson.
  8. Best thing you can do then mate is to ignore him. As they say, don't feed the trolls.
  9. If we get relegated - yes. If we stay up - no.
  10. Just because I ask a question, doesn't mean that I agree with the question. I don't think that we'll get relegated thanks to this game, but I think it's a good discussion to have.
  11. Fonte got injured and we have some good players that might be tired for the villa game. Could the choice to play a decent side cost us our place in the premier league?
  12. Well this is just painful.. And that is not a penalty...
  13. How could he have stopped the header from Ba? And the other goal if he saves that it's a great save, a ball like that goes in nine times out of ten..
  14. Seriously... Chelseas bench is incredible.. So much talent!
  15. And another good save by Boruc.
  16. Boruc hasn't done **** wrong this game and those who say otherwise really need to learn more about football. Mind you I've only seen the second half so that is what I'm talking about.
  17. Really? Worth getting Fonte injured for the ****ING fa cup!?!?!?
  18. Good by Boruc to push the ball away, could have been a goal. He pushed it in a bad position though and was lucky Shaw was there.
  19. So I missed the first half, how has Boruc been?
  20. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    5 quid 6 points at the end of february then mate?
  21. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Ok, 5 quid? End of january.
  22. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Something that directly leads to a goal. Like Gazzas failed save against Norwich, his kick against Swansea, Kelvins bad move vs Fulham that led to their goal. Stuff like that.
  23. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    Really guys? No need to fall down to Mattews level, stick to the subject. Nothing gets better from trashtalkning, I promise
  24. Revenue is not the same thing as profit. The debt they have will have to be paid someday. One thing that I would like to point out, and something that you always can keep in mind when I'm in a debate, is that I'm not saying that I'm right - it's just my current opinion. My opinion can change and we'll see how wrong or right I am when FPP really gets going. I feel that I have my opinion on the matter and you guys have yours, I can't say who's wrong or right until FPP has started to have an effect. Until then I'll leave this debate and I wish you all the best!
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