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  1. No Morgan or Boruc = We will lose. Cork is not up to it. Gazza is not up to it. With Morgan on the pitch and Boruc in the goal we would never have lost this game. Also we would have needed Fonte as CB instead of Uselesshida. **** this.
  2. Osvaldo useless. Gazza useless. Chelsea class. If Boruc is injured we are ****ed. I think this pretty much sums it up.
  3. Who Said Gazza isnt that bad???????? You are ****ing daft.
  4. Oh just **** off you ****ing troll!
  5. Zlavik

    Artur Boruc

    This is what I said when people said that Gazza was better. I have defended him from the start. Too many people talk trash when they know nothing about football. Btw, Gazza is useless and will never become a premier goaltender - and yes you can quote me on that later.
  6. According to Barney Stinson it's a de-rection.
  7. I love players who are mental. I really want this guy to join us!
  8. This must be you.
  9. http://bloggar.aftonbladet.se/sillyseason/2013/07/16/aik-stjarnan-synas-av-europa-klubbar/ We've been linked with him. Plays as a striker in Allsvenskan and has made quite a impact this year. Before this year however, he was ****e.
  10. That they had struggled to get back to the PL and the way they got back (back to back promotions). Showed alot of willpower and heart. Then i read up on the club and their history, players staying with the club like Le tiss inspired me. I just cant put my finger on it.. It just felt right to start following the saints and I havent missed a game since then.
  11. 24. Rookie fan who lives in Sweden. Started following the Saints after they got promoted, that's when I started following football for the first time in my life and I fell for the Saints. Never been to a game (Student, aint got much cash right now) but plan on going to a game next season.
  12. Without it he would have had it...
  13. On a deflection from Davis? Really?
  14. If we wouldn't have brought in Boruc, where do you think we would have been now?
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