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Everything posted by bazza

  1. I'd be wary about giving him the armband, the NI captaincy has adversely effected his performances for the national side.
  2. Alleged election intimidation in East London: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/local-elections/10861289/Support-Tower-Hamlets-mayor-or-risk-riots-says-advisor.html Sinn Fein have been employing this tactic for 30 years in Northern Ireland. With great success too.
  3. Fabianski signs for Swansea. Michel Vorm instead of Boruc? (Although rumours of a transfer to Liverpool.)
  4. I can't stand Groves and would love Froch to knock him out. That said he's a good fighter and definitely in with a shout. Froch on points. Just.
  5. Stan's weekend rants:
  6. Maybe, yes, definitely not, no.
  7. I wasn't impressed. If I was to suggest that a section of the community "F*ck off back to where they came from" I'd be, quite rightly, labelled a bigot. The exact tweet was : "What happens to the British people in Northern Ireland Stan > **** OFF BACK TO BRITAIN"
  8. Any foreign language experts out there? http://www.fcbforum.ch/forum/showthread.php?35549-Yakin-raus
  9. Sums up the feelings of a lot of fans including myself.
  10. We sign _________ , you sign Pochettino, Pochettino, Pochettino... lol
  11. Had a really ropey flight into Vagar in the Faroes a few years back and, unsurprisingly, the airport made Southampton look like Heathrow. The worst I've been through though was Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv. Big modern Terminal building but the security is a bloody nightmare. There were four of us travelling (to watch NI play Israel) and were pulled aside on the way back for additional security screening/questioning. Quite frankly even though we'd only done the usual tourist stuff (including visits to the West Bank and Jerusalem) I was ****ting myself, the Israelis don't mess about. It was very intense.
  12. He's been giving it stacks about UKIP, Britain's colonial past, NI as part of the UK, Scottish Independence, the Falklands, derogatory comments about Paul Gascoigne and Rangers etc etc. It doesn't look like a wind up either, he's just lost the plot. Again.
  13. bazza

    Dani Osvaldo

    So much for him having a good World Cup and getting a few extra quid for him. I hope he's gutted!
  14. Good on him, I'm sure the lads appreciated it.
  15. 30 years of age - tragic.
  16. Unfortunately it's been like this for a while. The 'big' clubs have to pay a premium for a bespoke kit.
  17. FSF STATEMENT ON HULL CITY AFC BALLOT: The Football Supporters' Federation said: “Many Hull City fans have already contacted us to express their concerns in relation to the flawed ballot. “It wasn’t neutrally worded and was a clear attempt to create a ‘yes’ vote. Even then, only one in six season ticket holders has voted yes. “Fans are also concerned that they were required to identify themselves when voting, hardly surprising since the chairman has been openly hostile to those who disagree with him. “The club might be allocating FA Cup final tickets soon and some fans who voted ‘no’ fear they’ll have a black mark against their name during the application process. It might even have discouraged some from voting ‘no’ in the first place. “The ballot was not supervised by an accredited, neutral agency such as the Electoral Reform Society. Did multiple voting occur? Some fans reported IT problems while another fan was told ballot boxes were removed from the stadium early because of a rugby game. “Hull City’s ballot does not stand up to scrutiny and we have already written to the FA arguing exactly that. The FA’s National Council will look at this issue on Wednesday – they should back their Membership Committee’s recommendation and reject the name change.” FSF letter to the FA: http://fsf.org.uk/assets/Downloads/News/F SF-LETTER-Hull-City-Ballot-Letter-March-2 014.pdf
  18. Given the fitness levels of players these days, and thus the pace of the game, quite often it's very difficult for officials. This, however, was not one of those occasions. MP's quite right to voice his displeasure. Shocking decision.
  19. He's just not good enough unfortunately. A top class goalkeeper to compete with Boruc is a priority for next season.
  20. I sincerely hope The Rangers beat them. Have a good weekend anyway.
  21. He's been fantastic this season, if only he could score more!
  22. Every player has their price. The £25-30m(?) would need to be invested wisely though. Look at the mess Spurs made of the Gareth Bale money!
  23. Its a good effort that. I felt sorry for their fans yesterday. It's a long way to come to watch your team get absolutely battered.
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