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Everything posted by Jeff Le Taxi
Two large cheese and tomato pizzas and 500ml ben and jerrys delivered for 9.99 oooooosh!
http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/buy-one-pizza-get-another-free-a-free-tub-ben-jerrys-papa-johns-delivered-1297939 celebrate tonights win with a banging deal for pizza lovers!
Perhaps Harrods isnt doing so well these days?
Been buying and selling on ebay for a number of years now and never really had a problem until now,,,, my feedback profile has always been public and have never really thought much of it, until yesterday, my next door neighbour bought a random item from me which is ok until i knocked his door to give it to him, he said "i thought that was you selling on there" never had a problem with random people seeing my feedback, now feel very uncomfortable with a nosey neighbour having access to my items im selling page and my feedback, had a look and if i make my feedback private i wont be able to sell anymore.
Apple are starting to come unstuck as more people realise Android/Google is the way.
Wish I hadnt read that! didnt realise Ward Prowse was a dirty skate! (-;
Have it as my desktop and home screen wallpapers..... quality image.
Did i see somewhere he scored for the under 21s tonight?
Met and had a beer with Lemmy from Motorhead in Mados once whilst waiting for Animal.... anyone remember him? it was most surreal as i was a young casual back then and didnt really know/care who he was.. but Animal was most impressed!
I cant believe how Essruu is getting.... doesnt want to start a taxi war though!
same with elite cars
The Lumia 710 is available for £89.99 as a payg upgrade from carphone warehouse.... not a wp fan but i know a bargain when i see one! apparently you have to show them a payg sim thats six months old? surely one can be borrowed?
And might I add my own children often travel in my HIGHLY MAINTAINED car. and a high proportion of Elites cars are less than three years old.... quite what someone elses L reg volvo has to do with myself or Elite Cars is beyond me!
Do you not keep a written record of every job you do as YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ....and why would i quote from Rownhams to Lordswood? seeing as we are based in East Southampton/Eastleigh...and yes there will be a shortage of cabs during the Man U game as most cab drivers are middle aged men... of which a high proportion are football fans, are you not going to the game then? we WILL have cover but we WILL be stretched as im in no doubt your firm will be. Quite why you are doing this is beyond me? I wouldve quite willingly had a laugh and joke about the job with you but for some very strange reason youve chosen to take the tack you have! (sour grapes?) Most on here would wish me luck in my new venture but you have chosen to make yourself look laughably bitter, as i said before im sure theres more to your vitriol than meets the eye.
Phone the office for a quote please.. explaining your situation and that you have spoken to Jeff car 27..... im sure we can help you. (seeing as you are a West End resident i hope thats okay with Essruu ;-p )
Which is EXACTLY why they now use ELITE CARS as their one and only taxi firm.... we have fixed fares with them and the hotel and driver keep them fully informed their fare is £15 from the hotel to anywhere from the city centre to the docks. and the same in reverse. The customers are actively warned not to get in any other cab as most southampton firms have been charging £30 PLUS for the same journey!
Sabotage is too strong a word but STEALING isnt? dont know who youve been talking to about the goings on at Fleet/Elite cars but you/they are SERIOUSLY deluded.... ive been quite civil with you up until now Ess but if I were you id stop with the silly allegations before you get yourself into trouble, ANY wrong doing feel free to contact the police or licencing authority by all means. You make out we are a bunch of pirates STEALING information, STEALING work.. driving UNSAFE cars..tut tut I really dont see what you think you can gain from this but the TRUTH OF THE MATTER is we havent done anything wrong legally or morally... we have major contracts with HOLIDAY INN WEST END AGEAS BOWL ... McDONALDS BOTLEY PARK HOTEL... BATH TRAVEL to name but a few...do you think these people deal with the unsafe stealing pirates you portray? I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO GET A TAXI FROM RADIO CARS ONE DAY AND DO THE SAME JOURNEY THE NEXT DAY WITH ELITE CARS. I assure you Elite will be cheaper and with a friendlier more helpful driver as our drivers own the company and therefore care more about customer care.
An unusually high proportion of our drivers are season ticket holders eric so we are a little stretched at these times (-;
Right Ess, i shall try and answer your questions as best and honestly as i can one by one; I do note that you have conveniently failed to explain how the owners of Fleet sold their business and then a group of disgruntled drivers and office staff (allegedly) sabotaged Fleet's computer database and took the customer and account customer database. Can you shed any light on this? It was found out that Fleet was to be sold and broken up by the new owners and all the office staff were to be dismissed and the drivers were to be offered contracts on a percentage basis by the new owners.... seeing as we were to be given ZERO notice of this and the office staff who most of us regard as friends were to be dismissed this was obviously not acceptable to us.... Fleets computer database was NOT sabotaged in any way... but we DID all get together and make lists of all regular jobs and account work so we could go after these, which is perfectly acceptable, after all this work was obtained by the staff and one of our gripes was the lack of advertising investment by the previous regime. Everything we have done is perfectly legitimate morally and legally otherwise i wouldnt have been involved and Eastleigh Borough Council wouldnt have granted a licence..... any wrongdoing and the previous owner or yourself for that matter are free to inform the licencing authority or police for that matter. 1) Elite will be licensed by Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC), yet you have called them a Southampton/Eastleigh company. Is it true to say that Elite will market themselves more to the Southampton City Council (SCC) licensing area rather than looking to operate mainly in your licensing area, in the same way that Fleet did? We are licenced by Eastleigh Borough Council and based in Netley, the vast majority of our work is in the West End, Hedge End, Netley, Hamble and surrounding areas, these are all EBC areas but most will class them as suburbs of SOUTHAMPTON... you yourself know Southampton and Eastleigh are intrinsically linked and most jobs involve a start or finish point in one of these areas. Can you give ONE example of how Fleet Cars or Elite Cars market themselves more to the Southampton CC licencing area? no.. thought not. 2) Are your vehicles still going to just adhere to the minimum requirements of EBC in terms of having no limit on the age of the licensed vehicle (unlike SCC licensed vehicles which have to be less than 7 years old) as well as just being subject to one annual Mechanical Inspection (unlike SCC vehicles which have an intensive Mechanical Inspection and a normal MOT test each alternating 6mths) despite the stress and wear that vehicles covering 40k+ miles pa suffer? Our vehicles adhere to the requirements of EBC as that is where we work, Southampton Inspection certificates are not valid in Eastleigh, Southampton cabs havent had six monthly checks for long so are you saying Southampton cabs were unsafe up until a short time ago? Also EBC are in the process of implementing six monthly checks too! We also in Eastleigh have the added bonus that Youre NOT constantly having your civil rights invaded by being filmed. 3) Are all your vehicles fitted with meters set at an agreed tariff by your local licensing authority, or will your fares be charged ad-hoc or from a mileage chart (despite most passengers having no idea of the mileage of their journey or the tariff involved when commencing their hire? I hear so many horror stories of the amounts charged by ECC cars without a meter, that I think people should know where Elite stand on this. YES OF COURSE!! they are set to EBC rates which im pretty sure are LOWER THAN SOUTHAMPTONs we also offer fixed fares for regulars! that means NO meter running up at roadworks and no RIP OFF boundary charges!! Ess ive been in Southampton hackney cabs please DONT try to play the fare card with me! Without wishing to get into a 'Taxi Wars' argument!! you surely are joking arent you ? there were some pretty serious allegations in your post.
After 12 years working for the same company Fleet Cars the company has now folded.... all, well nearly all the office staff and drivers have decided to chip in together and form a workers co-operative owned by the drivers and staff. Elite Cars 24/7 023 80 404884 As you can imagine the first few weeks have been quite hectic and we have generated quite a bit of business as well as keeping most of Fleet Cars contract work, Any extra business would be MUCH appreciated.
All Saints fans should protest about this disgusting slur
Jeff Le Taxi replied to patred44's topic in The Saints
Filth...pure filth.