1,139 -
Everything posted by Jeff Le Taxi
How DARE he stand by the hoardings, how DARE he not do as hes told! bloody delinquent, how DARE he not be sat in his seat an hour before the game watching the pre-match 'entertainment' !!!! What have you middle class idiots done to MY game! I want to go on the lash with the lads. stand on the terraces with no women to worry about, swearing at will, all the kids and grannies in the family centre and enjoy a bloody good game of football, like my father and my fathers father and so on! How did we let you bloody hockey loving prawn sandwich eating Sunday Telegraph readers hijack our game in the space of ten years? ill never know!
Most of you on here make me sick! Armchair prawn sandwich eating, monitor staring, opinionated farts! Bring back the casual era under the east stand terraces anytime, when EVERYONE abused the ref when he was wrong, EVERYONE used 'industrial' language, and EVERYONE laughed at the Harry Roberts song, thats right laughed! as its not serious its a wind up! lighten up ffs, where are the thousands of like minded saints fans from those times? sucked up by aliens and replaced by 'cyber' warriors? BANWOMENANDPEOPLEWHODONTSWEARFROMFOOTBALL.CO.UK/SAINTSFOREVER
Al, how did the Sun learn of the story? did you phone the newsdesk or do they read this forum?
?? Yes it was!
If you're expecting Oscar nominations youll obviously be disappointed but i found it mildly entertaining, even rate it as good! You bloody film snobs! lol
Its mainly set in prison so expect to see arrowed suits making a big impact on the football casual scene! (-;
Watched it last night, not bad!
get under the car and tap it steve! its unmistakeable if the cats gone, sounds like a coke can full of broken teacup bits!
Stumbled upon this site the other day, found it very good reading, any other southampton related sites anyone know of? http://www.divdev.fsnet.co.uk/graff.htm
Thank you very much St Landrew, i feel like a right tit now, i thought id got the jumper settings correct but obviously not! I think i shall stick to the taxi driving!
Its a brand new drive by the way.
Any help gratefully recieved, trying to install a samsung sp0842n 80gb hard drive as a slave drive but vista is only recognising 32.5 gb when i go to format and partition it???? Any ideas?
http://www.misco.co.uk/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=290428&CatId=917 Oh my god! less than £65 ........... bloody throwaway society! not very eco friendly is it )-:
My 19" lcd monitor suddenly stopped working, power supply is fine just a problem with the monitor, as no-one seems to fix monitors these days i thought id try on here. Any electronics students fancy having a go at it? id willingly pay up to £30 if successful! Jeff
I love the concourse sale, always kit the kids right out and get a few bits for ebay!
How about a jumble sale full of Pompey tat?
Im thinking of starting a protest march ....................Oh!
Whats that supposed to mean? why complicate things? im simply stating that it must bring in some money for the club!
Pray tell
Mid february
Surely it generates income!?
Just had an email from the club shop stating that the concourse sale is not on this year as the sale in the megastore is so good! I blame Lowe !!! (-; Gutted, i love the concourse sale!
Sorry i wasnt really clear enough, i meant as coach!
Surely you jest! lol
Then why go to the trouble of getting his coaching badges!