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Jeff Le Taxi

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Everything posted by Jeff Le Taxi

  1. Wouldnt he make a good partner for Ricky Lambert? I know hes still with us and hes the right age! showed PLENTY of promise every time ive watched him!
  2. No because i cant use windows, time for a reinstall methinks.
  3. Start up repair is not an option steve and i tried chkdsk-f this was not recognised so i just ran chkdsk instead and it didnt seem to make a difference
  4. There is no error code, it just says location is not available c:/windows/system32/config/systemprofile/desktop refers toTo a location that is no longer available
  5. On windows explorer i keep getting a popup saying cannot write to file, REALLY annoying, if i get my mate to download a recovery disk will that help?
  6. For some reason i cant log on to windows anymore? when i go to log on it says i can only log on as an administrator although i am using the main administrator account! there is also some blurb about somthing has been moved to another location? anyone else had this problem out of the blue?
  7. As the title suggests i have a white Ipod Video 80gb with all leads and headphones, also a Logik white docking station, would like to swap for a Nintendo Wii with 2 controllers.
  8. Sounds like Zyban ? good luck with it! 7 days for me now.. Yay
  9. Woooooosh ............................LOL (-:
  10. http://forums.gumtree.com/about264001.html Stupid bloody student! (-:
  11. Any of you lot want a F#%@ING FIGHT!!!!
  12. Lmfao!
  13. Thank you for your e-mail received by this office on 5 September 2005, regarding the recent Vauxhall Zafira TV advert. As requested, I can confirm the last word in the advert is 'over tired'. I trust this resolves your query, however, should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again on 01582 427200, or by return e-mail. Hope this clears it up once and for all!
  14. Dont do it !!!! Youll end up like me, 4 kids and a baldy head!
  15. When you become a parent Scott you'll understand!
  16. Being almost completely bald i would say take it like a man (but i would say that wouldnt i?)
  17. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4484727.Crouch_shrugs_off_talk_of___1m_loss/ I sincerely hope he gets a place on the board, the man is utterly dignified and a man of honour, I for one would like to shake his hand and thank him for all he's done for the club.
  18. If is Barclays could you please shaft them!! lol
  19. Kick us now you skae ****s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. take THAT!!!! Woohoo
  21. Jeff Le Taxi


    Every one seems to be kicking us whilst we're down, more and more seem to be jumping on the band wagon. They dont realise they are galvanising our support, we are going to come through united against all the haters (especially to he east!) and come back a lot stronger than before with NO DEBT!. The future is looking better for us and worse for everyone else as they all (well most) of them have the threat of administration hanging over them now! Southampton are BACK! debt free and ready to take on all comers, ready to re-establish ourselves in the premiership for another 27 year stay!
  22. Any club that lets the likes of me in, i dont want to be a part of (-;
  23. FFS! wrap it up once and for all Mr Fry!
  24. 3 or 4
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