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Everything posted by Aura

  1. Vidic everyday of the week. would be a total boss in our Defense.
  2. Meh not that big of a talent drop from Morgan to JWP. will be fine imo
  3. I think we will get caught with our pants do again.
  4. have you been watching any of our prem games or still living in the past...?
  5. No good and would be a totally pointless signing
  6. Aura

    Sfc wags

    Needs pictures.
  7. nvm
  8. ...
  9. i am not sinking the boot in at the guy just an observation.
  10. Look i love the guy but he is well and truly screwed now and the writing is on the wall he went from 1st choice to 3rd choice in a number of hours yesterday. where to from here for Kelv? i personally think we have seen him in a saints shirt for the last time barring an injury or something? thoughts?
  11. Aura

    Rafa benitez

    This is the absolute truth and some people wont have a bar of it.
  12. This is what will eventually lead to our demise and i dont think NA has the balls to play Gazza unless KD gets injured or something.
  13. Aura

    Rafa benitez

    Even if we are in the relegation zone? i can surely and safely say if we are in relegation territory for a while NA will be giving his marching orders.
  14. Aura

    Rafa benitez

    i think you ought to get your head out of the sand. anyone that thinks we wont sack NA no matter how bad the season going is naive.
  15. Aura


    can i have some of what your having?
  16. Good for him i didnt know being a loyal servant meant we can't voice our frustrations with him.
  17. Throw him in the deep end see if he can sink or swim no point just going with KD till jan if he keeps this form up.
  18. It's not a matter of him being ready or not it's about Nigel having the balls to play him
  19. No old or over the hill keepers we need someone like Vorm or something surely there is another one of these hidding in the foreign leagues?
  20. not a chance he will be one of the main culprits if we go down
  21. Playing against a witches hat in Fox.
  22. I dont understand you people i know i just joined this forum but why do you rubbish this thread it is a legitimate question
  23. not just KD the whole defense is complete rubbish bar Yoshida have to see how he goes first.
  24. Take him over KD in a heartbeat
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