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Cheese on Toast

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Everything posted by Cheese on Toast

  1. Would be disappointed if Anthony Pulis isn't in there somewhere
  2. you're like me but less cheesy... I like it
  3. Bring him in if he can play LB
  4. Richardson is better than Fox
  5. It'll be Fox
  6. We love cheese on toast We love cheese on toast We are southampton We love cheese on toast
  7. No, he's the new forecast
  8. Fox is league 2 quality at best
  9. I thought Richardson was one of our best players last season, and clyne must be better than fox on the left. My grandad is better than fox on the left, and he's dead.
  10. I would seriously rather we still had dan harding instead of fox
  11. You're right, but I reckon he will be as good as SDR one day
  12. It's fine... we've got Steve De Ridder
  13. Didn't realise they were interested in Frazer Richardson
  14. I'm sure he'll live, and in the meantime, we get to play without him
  15. Please see post #13
  16. Yeah, but you want a left back who can defend... which isn't fox
  17. I'd be happier to see clyne on the left and richardson on the right, than shaw or even fox in left back
  18. Thank bloody God
  19. I was planning to go to WBA away, I imagine that should be relatively easy as it's on tv and on a monday night, what do you think?
  20. Just wondering, will it only be teams close to southampton and big teams that sell out away? Just wondering how easy it will be to get tickets for away games?
  21. The can't be a favourite for a job which isn't available
  22. Oh ok cheers
  23. I'm trying to get on the ticket website to buy tickets but it's not working... is it working for anyone else?
  24. I like cheese on toast.
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