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Cheese on Toast

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Everything posted by Cheese on Toast

  1. Why would one take kpturner's work over mine?
  2. I s'pose I can't prove it no...
  3. I'd like to point out I'm now in 3rd place with 17
  4. Here's a development into whether mods can read PMs or not
  5. No it was this http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?40807-Surreal!&p=1509782#post1509782
  6. You really annoyed me yesterday I think... I forget what you said.
  7. Oh yeah... I remember...
  8. I don't even remember private messaging you... what did I say?
  9. I bet if he did a backflip at the exact right time... he could have stopped bale from scoring
  10. The championship starts next august
  11. Oh No, I hated you long before that
  12. Bearsy! Someone else is bullying me!!
  13. I actually told Chalet my thoughts on him because he locked a perfectly reasonable thread of mine
  14. Well I didn't, but now you mention it...
  15. Don't you sigh at me Bearsy
  16. Oh, won't you just go away
  17. I now have 15... putting me ahead of Alpine in 3rd
  18. Well yeah, that is bloody terrible
  19. Does anyone seriously know why Gazzaniga has gone from 1st to 3rd choice keeper?
  20. This. Even I'm going, and I'm Cheese on Toast.
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