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laughing now

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Everything posted by laughing now

  1. There is a hole in the bottom of the bucket and the coins go down a tube into an underground room where they are checked by the guys who used to work in the toll booths.
  2. Agree with this but it isn't going to be easy to id the people who were responsible on the day, as said above many did their duty or above (and some of those who were seen to 'fail' couldn't cope with an unprecedented situation). The problem was organisation & leadership not the copper on the ground. And THAT is why the senior guys wanted a cover up. Risk is the coopers who opened the gates to relieve very real issues outside or the coppers watching the terraces from pitch side get unfairly hammered whilst the senior guys get away with it again. As with Watergate the cover up (and associated smear campaign) indicates who to really go after.
  3. Whatever your current view I recommend taking some time out and read some of the witness statements: http://hillsborough.independent.gov.uk/catalogue/index/organisation/south-yorkshire-police/outofscope/all/perpage/20/page/12.html
  4. Was written with tongue firmly in cheek! I love it when someone is losing the argument or has run out of logic and just finishes their post with 'Fact.'. As if to say that's the last word, nothing more to say, I'm right. When usually they are wrong. Quite often about Fox's performance. Fact.
  5. Once saw a team change their shirts at half-time justbecause they were losing, even more weird they didn't do it again the followingseason when they found themselves in the same position again.
  6. These are based on the OPTA stats. A bit rubbish rightnow because it is only based on two games so far, but worth bookmarking forlater in the season when you need a bit of backup for debates on the forum (assumingof course the facts actually agree with you!).
  7. Are you sure that this is Tadanari Lee? It looks to me like the Korean international Noo Si Ning.
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