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Everything posted by red&white4life

  1. Not had a problem with my Sky broadband. Gets a bit slow sometimes but what server doesnt. Col.
  2. But if a water pipe leaks you get a drip of water, if a gas pipe leaks you get instant BBQ. Yes i know it's not that hard to cap a pipe but is it worth the risk? Each to their own, some will risk it some wont, i dont. (I am also very lazy). Col.
  3. Dont mess with gas it just isn't worth it mate. I am more than capable of doing my own pipe work but i would always get a CORGI fitter in to check/ test it. In fact as long as it was a simple job like yours i would get a pro in to do it all, can't see them charging much for this either. Col.
  4. NASA. Or closer to home there is a farm in West End that sells cheap fireworks. Just off the big roundabout on the road from Hedge End. Col.
  5. Very sad news indeed. My condolences to her family and freinds. Col.
  6. Dont know if this is allowed on this forum but here goes. My company has some jobs going if anyone is interested. The jobs are working for a manufacturing company in Basingstoke, they are all shift based (earlies and lates) Monday to Friday for around £27k (depends on experience. The jobs are:- Mechanical fitter- Basically covering production process, fixing breakdowns, machine improvements, etc Sparkie- As above Pipe fitter/welder- Primarily taking care of facilities, welding dairy line, steam pipes etc. Mech-Elec - With an electrical bias. For more info please PM or e-mail me. It takes me about 30 mins to get there from Bishopstoke, i've been there a little over 1.5 years and enjoy the work (as much as you can enjoy working ;o) ) Cheers, Col.
  7. Working i'm happy to say, can't even get anyone to use my ST in my absence. Col.
  8. Done Matey. Col.
  9. Yep pretty much how we feel mate, though i think we will still see out this season as we have allready paid so to speak but if something else comes up we will be more inclined to do that than punish ourselves further. Col.
  10. My mates and i have been ST holders for 13 or 14 seasons now and we have now decided that this will be our last. It cost us around £2,000 a year (i know there are people that pay a lot more) and we have decided to spend that money on something that will not depress us, maybe a few overseas football trips to see some of the great stadiums/teams. We will still "support" Saints as they are our team but not with our money. It's just no fun anymore. Fickle, fairweather or just plain fed up take your pick. Very sad position to find ourselves. Col.
  11. The vast majority of employers will NOT give references as they are legally binding, so if an employer says that you a very honest and you rob your new employer blind your ex-employer can be sued. Same goes if they say that your time keeping is good when in fact you are an idle sod that is always late. All they do now, generally, is provide a statement of any absenteeism and time keeping. Some managers/supervisors etc will give a personal reference. Good luck, Col.
  12. Got my missus one last week so she can access her webmail from work using a Vodaphone broadband dongle. Worked a treat for a week then it refused to boot up so have sent it back to Amazon. Have opted for an exchange and not a refund as the wife was very impressed with it (especially the long battery life due to no hard drive) so i guess i would still recommend one even though our first one went t!ts up. Col.
  13. sorry but i think you are mistaken. I dont believe for one moment that this scenario will happen. The best way we can support our club is to go to home games, no matter who is chairman. IMHO of course. Personally i think Lowe is a tosser of the highest degree but i am buggered if i will let him dictate how/when i support my club. Fans that are "boycotting" SMS becouse of Lowe/Wilde are cutting their noses off IMO. Lets get behind the team. Col.
  14. Good shout, if he still has it, which if he's anything like my father in law he will still have every receipt from every major purchase since 1954. Col.
  15. Virgin too have the newer type of "watch what you like when you like" entertainment system on some of their planes. It's pot luck as to which system you get. I fly Virgin every time, tried BA and didn't have a good experience at all, crap plane/food/service and check in. Col.
  16. A product must be "fit for purpose", this tv isn't, i believe it's called the consumer goods act. Col.
  17. My wife and i both have Vaio's and both have "2" drives. To help eleviate your problem move some of the files (photo's, video, documents etc) to the other drive. Dont move programme files though, unless you know what yous are doing. As for the slowness, she probably has loads of stuff running in the background, press "ctrl" "alt" "delete" at the same time to check how many processes are running. Col.
  18. And they are cutting those jobs by about 50%. They are also knocking down both production buildings as some kind of tax write off. T0ssers. Crying shame about Fords. Worked there for 8 years and know a lot of people that still do. Good luck to them all. Col.
  19. N95 8GB for all the reasons above. My only bug bear is that i cant get usb cable driver to load. My laptop still "see's" the phone as a storage space so i can still transfer stuff, i just cant sync at the moment. Will look into it more later/ Even so i would still recommend it. Col.
  20. Just got an e-mail from the Cricketers and they are now showing it (also on the web site now), so sorted. Thanks again guys. Col.
  21. Thanks for all your help guys. I will drive by Cricketers a couple of days before hand I think. Oh and yes it is the one by Festival Bay. I watched the second play off game at the Cricketers old site which was a sh1t hole with bloody great rats running round the place so hopefully the new location will be a bit cleaner ;o) Thanks again everyone, I fly out on Saturday so "see" you all in a couple of weeks. All the best, Col.
  22. Cheers for that. I had a similar problem where i had spent 20+ hours on spread sheets at home only to find that when i e-mailed them to work i couldn't open them. Ta again, Col.
  23. Managed to get the list off Setanta in the end but non of the bars are actively promoting the game, have e-mailed The Cricketers but as yet have not got a reply. May have to look into watching it on the web via Sky. Col.
  24. Cheers but they dont open untill 11:30 and KO is 10. Col.
  25. Sorry NY but i cant seem to get any venues up for anything. I am obviously missing something obvious. DOH. Obviously have my very slow head on, sorry. Col.
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