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Everything posted by red&white4life

  1. red&white4life


    Will check one out in April, cheers LV. Col.
  2. Seconded. Col.
  3. red&white4life


    Well i usually drink K which is 8.4 so i like it fairly strong. Col.
  4. red&white4life


    Is Target a supermarket chain LV? I will put it in my satnav when we are in LV next April and check it out, failing that Vons usually manages to keep me in cider. The best chain for cider on the East coast is Publix, you actually get a choice of 5 or 6 there. Col.
  5. red&white4life


    What ratio do you mix the sugar and juice and for how long? Col.
  6. red&white4life


    Does that work then? Col.
  7. Is this something we can see with the naked eye? Col.
  8. After they had finished filming Phil Daniels was asked if he wanted anything as a thank you from the producers, including his Lamby, he said no...... He recounted this story on Soccer AM the other week. And while Stings (the "Ace Face") Vespa looked very nice a lot of purists would only ever be seen on a Lamby (i had a PX about 15 years ago). HTH. Col.
  9. red&white4life


    No, never even saw their own brand, i will be sure to check it out when i am in LV in April. As a point of interest, where can you get Magners in LV? We tend to do all our shopping at Vons or Wal-Mart (i know Wal-Mart is crap but she likes it ;o) ). Col.
  10. Are you referring to wifi? Col.
  11. Well my Christmas present turned up yesterday ( i had to sign for it) so i thought i had better make sure it works before letting the wife wrap it for me ;o) While i have my grubby hands on it i was wondering along the same lines as "Scummer", what apps do people recommend and are there any other sites besides iTunes where you can get apps/movies/music etc? Cheers, Col.
  12. red&white4life


    I tend to mix the 2 Hornsbys as i find it tastes better. Untill this year you could still get K on the west coast from a store chain called Publix. They have now gone over to Magners and Strongbow with a few Woodpecker on the shelf as well. I have also brought Dry Blackthorn from Trader Joes. Col.
  13. red&white4life


    LV have you not tried Hornsbys? They do "Hard apple" and "Draft" i believe, both around 5% ABV. As for the ultimate cider, the award goes to "K". Black can red "K", and at 8.4% ABV it gets the job done. Tescos is about the only place you can buy it. I also love Aspals. But "K" wins hands down IMHO with Merrydown Gold a close second. Col.
  14. First one was London and this one was Maidenhead. Col.
  15. Many thanks to you all, i think i shall start my letter to Santa ASAP. Cheers, Col.
  16. Cheers Ess. It's less for music and more for the video and web browsing. One of my Archos' does all this but not very well, and it is a bit of a lump. Where as the Touch is very much more pocket size and a damn sight easier on the eye. Have you actualy any experience of using one though Ess, as i would like some feed back from someone who has been using one for a while. Thanks, Col.
  17. Lol. I am sure Ess will be unable to resist. I do like the look and size of the touch which is why i am considering it, i just wondered if anyone had any experience of using one, and yes the 30GB is very pricey but as i wont be paying for it it's not an issue ;o) Col.
  18. Yeah i saw that, but dont you pay extra for the "no limit" option? Col
  19. Anyone got any opinions? Am considering "asking" for one for Christmas so any feed back greatly appreciated. I already have 2 Archos', AV700 and the 640, but the touch is considerably smaller. Cheers in advance, Col.
  20. Fantastic aircraft. Col.
  21. Insurance? Col.
  22. My brother in law had an "issue" with a PC from PC World a couple of years ago. He only got any action when he e-mailed the chairman dirctly. He got a full refund within a week. If you want i could ask him if he still has the e-mail address? Let me know. Col.
  23. I may be mistaken but i am sure that both Rat Boy and Wise played for our first team????? Or am i missing something? ;o) Col.
  24. Pretty much exactly what happened to us except we went "all in" with Sky. Orange were awfull. Col.
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