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Everything posted by Stevie61163

  1. just cant help myself mate. this guy has told us soooo many lies over the years and we have been suckered in by him. Clyne is on the verge of signing a new contract to stay at Saints within a week he joined Liverpool Morgan the same but off to Man U llalana had signed a contract and we still got rid I know it is very difficult to keep an unhappy player at the club.........but at some point a club has got to make a stand. let the player hand in a transfer request and we reject it the player goes on strike saying that he is never going to play for the club again sue that player for breach of contract make a big long drawn out court case I know its not the best scenario but for gods sake do something to stop this continual raping of our club
  2. Is anyone else getting a little peeved with this ongoing saga. the press, the radio, the papers all seem to so much about our business and players. has any of the below actually happened or is it pure speculation VVD publicly stated that hew wanted to go to Liverpool VVD publicly stated that he wants to leave VVD publicly stated how angry and upset he was that the deal was supposedly stopped Have Saints publicly stated that they want to sell him what happened to he had just had his house in Winchester finished and did not want to uproot his wife and family the only time that we can be absolutely sure that VVD is going is when Lies Greed comes out and says that he is definitely going to stay I thought that the purpose of signing all our decent players to long contracts was so that we could keep them an extra couple of years and actually build a successful team. when their contracts have run down a little and the requirement is to sell because that is the clubs business model Saints should absolutely make it clear that we will never do business with Liverpool again, they will not get their thieving grubby little hands on any of our players ever again.
  3. made me laugh out load ...........very funny
  4. Apologies I obviously know jack but I hold my hands up and admit that on this occasion I might of been mis informed right onto Saturday resticted view or not it will be great being back at home again not played there since before the cup final and that is now just a distant memory COYS........
  5. ? There are no restricted virw seats in St Marys wtf are you on??
  6. I do not dispute that but once a skate always a skate
  7. now your talking my language get rid of that 6foot 6 useless lump we have in goal. if he had come off his line to collect a high ball well inside the 6 yard box just before they scored their 1st they would not of scored I cannot believe how many goals FF lets in that are low down or even straight at him how ever he is considered good enough for England is beyond me these are my opinions and no amount of arguing will make me change that opinion in the same way I do not particularly like JWP Aka: skate boy St Mary`s spends half of its time singing about how much they hate the skates and then cheer this skate on hypocrites the lot of you he does a job for the team granted but I for one will never cheer him
  8. Agree with the 1st 2 but Drinkwater are you on drugs that guy has been totally sh1te this season and is a fat lazy overpaid slob that only has an eye for rat face super stomper vardy for the record sunderland, palace and leicester to go down
  9. Gabbi signs its official
  10. lets concentrate on the league to qualify for Europe.......what's the point next season you`ll be saying lets throw the cups and concentrate on the league The win yesterday proves that we need to do the exact opposite of what you say. there is no way in the world that we are going to get relegated this season so lets go for all the cups and see what it brings. I would play my strongest side on Wednesday and really take the game to Arsenal this is a rare chance for Saints to do something ..........lets make the most of it
  11. very sad to loose another Saint RIP
  12. Man City area big club yes...that just opens another debate of what constitutes a big club by your analogy city aren't a big club because the don't sell out their ground that means that Bournemouth, Pompey and anyone else that sells out their ground is a big club. To me a big club are a club that has serious financial clout, a club that plays regularly in the champions league, a club that regularly attract the top top players, a club that regularly challenges for the title. English football is still ruled by the big four Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal. Teams like Liverpool, Spurs and and maybe Everton have a great history but as we stand right now are not one of the truly big clubs. Liverpool are the closest at the moment but if a player had a choice to join one of the big four or Liverpool which one do you think he would choose.
  13. I Believe that when VVD does eventually go it will be to one of the truly big clubs. Barcelona, Real, Man Utd or Man City. I do not believe that it will be this summer it will however be the summer after. By that time his stock will have risen and he will be worth well in excess of £50 million however I do believe that the club need to play a bit more hardball with potential suitors not just accept the 1st offer made. If Everton had accepted the 1st offer made for Stones he would of been sold for £30 million the "Southampton Way" is a great model for progressing clubs....its not luck that we are where we are today Stop the moaning and squabbling and being a **** about things and enjoy the ride This is our team, our club and we must get behind it and support it through thick and thin or in Pompey`s case thin and thinner. Realistically we are not going to win the league but we have a great chance in all other competitions Enjoy the ride guys and accept our position in English football
  14. DUncan email me steveblackman2@btinternet.com
  15. Jason apologies for the late reply I have just emailed you my mobile number give me a call regards Steve
  16. 2 adult tickets at best offer available if anyone requires
  17. I Have 2 Adult man city tickets available at face value if anyone is interested
  18. Zed you are absolutely spot on mate, I just did not connect the two oh well there are some other good options above
  19. I was thinking that we have not re-used the Marian Pahars song at all and Sofiane fits the tune a treat. and I loved the Pahars version to the tune of the Marian Pahars song Sofiane Boufal Sofiane Sofiane Boufal Sofiane Sofiane Boufal Sofiane oh oh oh*Sofiane
  20. Last game before the international break.................put out our strongest side and let the players be tired for their countries
  21. time to ship this one out!!! obviously has no intention of staying or signing a new contract. we have not heard a single peep from him since he returned from the Euros if I was Saints with him being 32 and 2 years left on his current contract I would not offer improved terms but hold his registration for the next 2 years and let him rot I am sick and tired of losing 1st team players to bigger sides only for them to be on the bench........what a waste and yes I do think Fonte is playing mind games with the club and its supporters and after Saturday I would drop him anyway for Yoshi
  22. sorry mate source please ...or just a guess
  23. after many years of watching/supporting Saints just to carry on supporting and enjoying being a Saints fan. would still be here regardless of position or league. in fact some of the most enjoyable times for me was when we were in league 1. good honest football, good honest real football grounds, mostly standing even enjoying the odd beer or 2 on the terraces a real throw back to pre premier league days. one thing that I have learnt while supporting Saints is not to expect too much that way you will not be too disappointed come the end of the season
  24. Not a bad effort considering time and venue of match with it being in the holiday season and all that
  25. you wont be missed!
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