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Everything posted by Miltonroader07

  1. in the sun
  2. The photos are on the kids phone I will sort it, anyway; who believes a Registered User/Taxi Driver who will rip us all off when we are ****ed and not pay £5 to join this forum.... stand by,
  3. Bumped into KD yesterday in Sainsburys "what a nice bloke", he was great with the kids, photos etc and he told me that all the rumours of players leaving was "total ******" the lads are really happy and all looking good, I asked him about Luke Shaw and he said why would he want to sit on Wengers bench when he can play every week at SMS Nice chat...... lovely bloke.
  4. Pictures below please
  5. Sorry Tokes I should have thought, I will personally reprimand myself
  6. Name yourselves and fear the wrath
  7. thank you madam
  8. My life feels empty
  9. Respect
  10. Should reduce the price of coke in town
  11. Would he be a good right hand man for Ponch, I think he played in Spain and it would give us some English after MOTD !!!
  12. How can we play so well and scramble a draw.. Well done Punch
  13. anyone know if there are any, two mates fancy watching.. TY Also COST ?????
  14. Wow, a legend Pray for him
  15. Yeah you know that I worship you, gonna change it now FFS
  16. no cant make it
  17. Would rather chase Skates down Hill Lane..... Them woz the Dayz
  18. How are you preparing for this ??
  19. The vibe seems to be that we will draw at The Mackems and at home to Stoooke just looking forward to abusing Crouch really
  20. Moved house, have not got broadband yet, living at Ashlett Creek drinking at The Jolly Sailor...
  21. what have I missed ???
  22. Inciting racial hatred and being a mongrel
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