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Everything posted by Catkins217

  1. I know this is a little ols so indulge me! Pinnacle - courtesy of of Leon Crouch I believe put up the £500k for the exclusive period. They met the the T's & C's!! To be fair Markus Liebherr did not! Perhaps one of the few mistake Cortese has made. They did their job, which was to look after the creditors, no the clb, not the fans, the local businesses many of us work for. They did OK by us so lets not dismiss them or start name calling.
  2. Swansea have played some 'pretty' football and done OK. We need the right mx of players and a touch of quality added and we'll be alright. Adkins is a quiet man but do not underestimate the prep work he does. I think we'll be OK as long as the investment in the squad is positive and constructive and I doubt nothing less from the professional management we have.
  3. You missed Assou-ekoto the current Spurs left back. Probably one of their unsung heroes given that Bale seems to have an absolute licence!!!
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