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  1. Love it. Looking forward to see Malta play The Vatican there... Scotland + Netherlands probably still won't qualify...
  2. Having been there, I can't believe the land on which The Den has been built on is worth anything...
  3. Lots of failure in this case are out of doubt.
  4. Highly doubt that, as those usually walk free here.
  5. The points is, that not all muslims are equal minded, just like we western Europeans aren't. I think it is just wrong to claim Europe will be more unsafe, as you simply do not accept that the vast majority just wants to live peacefully, just as you and I do. There are idiots in every part of society, so surely amongst them, too. But does that give us the right to blame all of them ? "It's 2017 FFS, why aren't these people condemned , why are they allowed to treat women, gays & non believers like they do? " Really can't see that happening. What happens to an European openly claiming not to like or even hate gays ? It's a voiced opinion, although I won't go with it. If they break the law, send them to court. Simple as that. Same as with you and me. Just wanted to pint out that shooting immigrants to Mars or whatever your idea is of how to deal with them won't change a thing.
  6. Would not have made a difference in the both Paris attacks and Bruxelles, as they have been committed by EU citizens, if I remember correctly.
  7. Pakistani arrested probably not the driver, if anyone cares.
  8. Paris attacks and Bruxelles have been commited by European citizens. Shooter in Ankara was Turkish. So what have been different without letting in refugees... Plus numbers of refugees going down in every European country. I'd probably more helpful to stop looking Syria and Jemen being bombed back into the middle ages (with the help of European weapons as well), if you do not want people to flee from there. BTW. German media and German media still do not have any details this morning.
  9. What they do with / in Leipzig is pretty horrifying, but their success so far silence the critics, as all the media jumping on the RB Leipzig bandwagon, hammering all those daring to critizise their doings in Leipzig. Interesting that Salzburg "officially" have been downgraded to a feeder club, claiming winning titles is not important, but developing players for Leipzig. Salzburg's manager already threatens to quit on this. Basically, Red Bull transfers players to themselves and gets away with it. System seem to like being beaten here. Missing the times in lower Eastern German leagues when Leipzig players had to jump their coach in full gear after the final whistle, as they got chased by opposing supporters.
  10. Ssssht. People don't want to hear / read that... ;-) But maybe he's too busy browsing through the web on the hunt for news on Muslim lawbreakers...
  11. I do not find postings offensive, but people like you. You don't know nothing about me and I really don't give a **** about what you might or might not think of me. I condone attacks, but I also condone blaming Islam being called "dangerous" and labelling every muslim as potential terrorist. And nothing else is happening. Violent attacks by the far right haven risen, too. I do not see anyone condoning those. In Hungary, you even get honoured for that. By just posting links about so-called "Islamic" stabbings etc without mentioning, that domestics commit those crimes, too, people posting it just want to make it look like people with a certain background are dangerous and just want to spread fear. But I don't know why I should be more afraid of muslim maniacs that I should be of European maniacs. If you still want to call it in numbers - amongst the biggest death toll self-claimed Christian Anders Breivik is still up there.
  12. Compared to what ? In Germany there have been zero deaths due to Islamic motivated attacks but over 20 due to right wing extremism. It's pretty obvious what's more dangerous.
  13. That people like you make me sick and I'd rather have 500.000 muslims around me than one bellend like you.
  14. I'm pretty sure you got your reasons for not posting any links about stabbings + attacks commited by "domestics"...
  15. Damn. No mentioning if they are Muslim. So I guess, you're not celebrating yet ?
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