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Everything posted by saint_sinner

  1. oops
  2. we are using Guly to attract Leandro Damião to the club and be his friend like we did when we signed Chala & Delgado! Surely thats the only reason he's still here!!
  3. Is there any other chairman in the premier league that you would rather have running our club other than cortese right now?
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2280012/Portsmouth-charge-Carlisle-park-team-bus.html that is just hilarious! They must be close to oblivion now!
  5. my wedding day! Can't believe I booked that without checking! Total nobber
  6. clearly got the ball!
  7. saw him at the sorting office a couple of weeks ago picking up a parcel! Looked ok then!
  8. It'll just lead to lots of people going up and down to the effing toilets every 5 mins blocking my view!
  9. got 24 but spelt 2 wrong!! duh!
  10. Verdu
  11. total Argie legend coming here? One of the best players in the world? Now that would be amazing! http://thefootballmagazine.com/2013/01/21/riquelme-to-become-a-saint/ It's funny that most of us would laugh out loud if anyone had posted this 2 weeks ago! I particularly like the fact that noone is surprised that these players want to sign for us not Liverpool!! except the scousers!! Viva la revolution!!
  12. yep, it's stay here and learn spanish or go to neuveauchateau and learn french!
  13. I think Nigel is waiting on the Villa job
  14. no you cannot go to the toilet!
  15. what are the everton fans singing about Reekie?
  16. absolutely spot on! Amazing!
  17. I take it back about guly, justified his start tonight and looked like he wanted to do well!
  18. so all in all, does Cortese actually have an ego problem or not?
  19. I'm grateful for what Nigel has done and he deserves our thanks but a protest tonight isnt the way. The last thing we need to do is negatively affect the team from getting a result tonight
  20. there will be a lot of confiscating hankies tonight then as most people SISA's age (50+) carry a hanky with them at all times!
  21. if this is true, I've heard it all!! Perhaps they should put in different colour loo roll & perhaps a few hand dryers!
  22. should be more positive about the club rather than air dirty laundry with NC at every opportunity without actually saying any more than 'he's not a nice human being' He should do a Puncheon and shake hands & move on!
  23. We really would be #laughingstock Can we have a poll to see how many will? Personally I think its a cr*p idea & I for one will not be partaking in any protest. I will be getting behind the team and the new manager Also heard self appointed 'Fans Spokesman!!??' explaining that they do it in Spain on 5Live! Idiot! Complain about Italian Chairman and appointment of an Argentinian manager with a Spanish protest? WTF??
  24. Not so, without facts, I just tend give people the benefit of the doubt rather than judge them or vilify them because of 3rd hand gossip on a forum or tabloid article. Everyone can have an off day. I just think people in glass houses.......... Le tiss isnt perfect. He was as a player in my eyes and he's made a lot of money out of it but should try and be more positive about the club when questioned
  25. Ok so you and Le tiss both think he's not a nice human being but wont say why? I know people that have been obnoxious in restaurants or bars before and been banned from some establishments for drunkenness but that doesnt make them not nice human beings. There are celebrities that people say 'oh he's such a miserable git in real life' when all the celeb wants is for people to p*ss off and leave them alone. You can't be happy all the time and it doesnt make you a bad person if you lose it once in a while If it's ok with you, I'll reserve my opinion unless there are some facts to add
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