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Everything posted by O_RLY

  1. De De De De.....De De Ridder!!
  2. Superb game. Download it again (well an almost exact replica but with in-game download options like maps/vehicles etc.) - http://www.openttd.org/en/ Forgot how addictive it was!
  3. O_RLY


    http://www.thesewingforum.co.uk/ p.s. to confirm this is teh real link: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18019506
  4. I really hope every single missed shot isn't repeated in slow motion a milttion times from different angles like in the Wet Brom friendly highlights.
  5. O_RLY


    Posted this in the motoring forum, but to be honest its a bit of a graveyard in there with just a few occasional visitors.... http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/sho...php?t=18019506
  6. O_RLY


    http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18019506 Just got shown this on another interweb forum. Its a couple of years old now but seriously what a mug.
  7. Longest so far is 3 years, most of the time change every 6-8 months. Will proaboly stick with what I have now though for a few years again as I love it.
  8. O_RLY


    Kumho KU31's are superb. Couldn't get hold of any this time round though at my local place so trying Falkens on the front and got my trusty old bridgestones on the back.
  9. Well I dont think he is hardcore enough for us anyway in terms of night life. BWP and Dyer set the tone by stealing handbags and phones, Barnard continues the legacy by glassing someone - I can't see him fitting in if he just goes out for a drink in a nice pair of short with a munter from Essex.
  10. Jack Cork is in the daily mail today: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1393018/Amy-Childs-leaves-club-Marbella-footballer-Jack-Cork.html
  11. I love Puncheon. We all do. Hope he comes back to play for us.
  12. Why do Saints fans love laying in to players so much? Especially the interweb fans.
  13. Thirded.
  14. O_RLY

    Macbook for sale

    Can we buy just the hair?
  15. £1750 off of the owners club, 2001 model...been meticulously looked after and washed/polished regularly! Engine bay is sparkling... It had a few bits, SDI Injectors and a de-cat and is running about 130 bhp, but I have a new turbo to put in (don't trust old turbo's) and then going to get it mapped to 150 bhp and should be solid! Doesn't need belts for a while yet either...will take a look at the EGR valve too. I am loving the diesel have come from a old 1.8 MX5 that I swear did about 20 mpg under normal driving...
  16. would i be in for some stick if I revealed I bought an MG ZR TDI? It has been well looked after and only has 77k miles! Everything else I looked at had more miles than a jumbo jet, although did lose out to someone else on a Seat TDI as I got there too late! ...so admittedly its basically a Rover - the engine is an L-series diesel though so no nasty headgasket problems!
  17. I'm looking for something mid-sized maybe atra focus golf sized...could be a bit bigger if it was cheap enough to run. Also good on tax - ideally less than £100 and not really higher than insurance group 10-12 but again the lower the better. I had a look at the Fabia...they have a few SDI's for this price range? Should I look for something with under 100,000 miles so the turbo isnt knackered? Theres a few 307's if they are any good. MK4 TDI's seem to have too many miles for the price is my concern as you seem to pay a premium for a Golf badge!
  18. What would you get? Most of the options seem to be VWs with 2,000,000,000 miles and not sure that would be reliable!
  19. FFS anyone found saints?
  20. FFS i dont want to listen to charlton game
  21. I think ill stick with FM10.
  22. Nope, as I understand it Barnard used a bottle on the doorman multiple times.
  23. Difficult to say, never had information from them before but I would say accurate...they run a law firm so maybe could offer LB some help!
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